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  J E S S I C A  S T A N L E Y was Erin's best friend

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J E S S I C A S T A N L E Y was Erin's best friend. A status the Stanley girl gained back when they were both just five years old on the first day of preschool when the two girls had both worn Care Bear shirts. They instantly bonded over their shared love of Care Bears and later that day, coloring. Their friendship only flourished from there with both girls growing practically inseparable, a perfect duo that, despite having other friends, could always be found with one another. It was a friendship Delilah Rivers, Erin's mother, surprisingly approved of. Even at the ripe age of five her mother had been sharply critical of who Erin spent time with, to the point she'd been forced to switch teachers on multiple occasions so she wouldn't be around certain kids. So when her mother had allowed the friendship between the two girls, Erin can vividly remember being shocked.

  Her mother's meddling hadn't stopped, ever. Even now that she was in high school, her mother has had the school change her class schedule on more than one occasion. Her mother didn't like any of her other friends, not even Angela Weber the literal Angel that shared her History notes after she was out for a week with a bad case of the flu; the same Angela that came to her immediately after she caught Lauren Mallory hooking up with her then boyfriend, Ethan Dawson. Both her and Jess had gotten Mallory kicked out of their friend group, though Jess is the one who started the rumors about her having STD's and pretty much ruined her love life.

  In her mother's defense, she didn't allow her to date, so she didn't actually know about what had happened with Ethan. She still thought her daughter a pure, blushing virgin something Erin was never going to correct her on. Even if she knew the truth it's unlikely her mother would change her mind. Delilah Rivers was never wrong, so when she was, she wasn't. Angela was a genuinely good person and Erin would never stop being her friend. Aside from Jess, Angela was a close second in terms of the Friendship ranking. She just couldn't let her mom catch on that they hung out, something Angela was thankfully okay with and helped hide.

  Her mother also didn't like Mike Newton or Erik Yorkie for the sole fact that they were boys. A horrible crime, truly! How dare they be born a different gender than she and think they could just be friends! It was an absolutely ridiculous sentiment and Erin was keen to ignore it. While they were both dumb as can be and rather annoying, they were still great guys and even better friends. When Erin got a flat in the school parking lot, it was Mike that changed her tire. When Erin had a late shift at the diner and had a weird customer, Erik was the one who showed up right before close to walk her to her car. He'd even followed her home to make sure no one followed her. Yet her mother still didn't like them at all.

  The only one she agreed with her mother on was Isabella Swan. There was something about her that didn't sit right with the Rivers girl, so she kept her distance. Her entire relationship with Edward Cullen had been strange, almost obsessive. It was weird, how quickly the two of them fell for one another - or how quickly she fell for him. It was all so toxic, with more red flags flying than a god damn circus. The flags kept coming even after the Cullens moved to Alaska. Jess had told her about their disastrous shopping trip in Port Angeles that could've easily gotten one of them killed. So Erin listened to her mother and kept her distance from the Swan girl.

At least, she was trying to.

  "Bella got assigned as my history partner," Erin voiced, as she pulled on one of the tops that Jess had snagged for her in Port Angeles when she went shopping with Angela last week. Erin had been invited, but couldn't go considering it was outside of fucking Forks. Jess didn't let that stop her from picking out a few things for her though.

  Said girl was currently lounging atop Erin's baby blue comforter, the newest edition of Seventeen magazine in her hands. After being grounded for nearly a week, Erin had decided fuck it. Her mother was working the night shift, meaning she wouldn't be back til nearly eleven. So she decided to invite Jess and Angela over to hang out, maybe watch some movies even. What was her mother going to do if she found out? Leave work early to send them home? It's not like she'd ever actually find out anyways. Besides Erin needed to make sure everything they got her fit correctly, she'd hate to have them miss the return period if something didn't.

  "Ew," Jess said before Angela could comment. Nose scrunching. "You're going to be stuck doing all the work if she has another depressive episode."

"Jess, she's not that bad...not anymore at least," Angela voiced her protests. She was lying on her stomach next to Jess on her bed, watching as Erin tugged the crop top into place. They both made eye contact through the floor to ceiling mirror and Angela offered a soft smile. "That top looks great on you."

Jess peered over the top of the magazine, looking her reflection up and down. The top did look great; it was a black long sleeved cropped top that cut off just below her breasts, her collar bones on full display with the off the shoulder design. She was showing far more skin than her mother would ever let her show. "It makes you look like a slut, you just need that pair of jeans. Your mom's going to lose her mind."

Erin clapped once as she felt her lip twist upwards. "Perfect. I'm keeping it." She started, pulling the top up and over her head. "Don't worry, though. I'll tell her I bought it online.

"Good," she looked back down at the magazine as Erin moved to hang the top up in her closet which was on the left side of the room, closest to her bedroom door. "What's the project you got assigned Bella for?"

"It's the big one." Both girls cringed at that. The big one is a major World History project that has everyone partnered up and then they're allowed to pick any war in history. Once the pair decide on a war they have to write a comprehensive essay analyzing the motivation and causes of said war, then explain how the losing side could have won and the impact that would have had on the world. A poster board was required as all groups would be presenting their projects. Bella and Erin had chosen to do the Russian Revolution...well, Erin had chosen it. Bella had just nodded like a bobble-head and blinked a lot. It didn't inspire confidence, especially because this project was worth a large chunk of their semester grade. Something that the Rivers girl needed to keep up if she wanted to secure her spot as Valedictorian.

"Yikes, well if you need help just let me know."

Easing comfortably into the cushioned desk chair Erin offered Angela a wide smile. "Thanks, Ange, but I think I'm good. If she starts slacking I'll drive over to her house myself and make her do the work."

Angela snorted while shaking her head. "Good luck with that."

"I don't need luck," Erin protested. "I only need two minutes and a bag of glitter. Now c'mon, let's go watch Mean Girls!"

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All three Kings - 3
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