2 on 1 Duel

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I looked at the beach with a flat face.

"Why are we here again?" I ask Erza

"To train for the magic games," she says plainly

"So why...are they making sandcastles?" I ask as I'm stunned by how far we've gone off track. I stare at some members of Fairy Tail as they have fun on the beach.

"I don't know," Erza says facepalming

I look at Natsu's castle and create an explosion. Destroying it in the blast.

"Ahahah! You castle exploded!" Gray taunts as his castle is next in line to be demolished.

"Hey!" The ice wizard yells as his castle collapses

"We aren't here for fun," I point out as he looks at me

"The one who needs to train the most is you!" Gray points out as I rise a brow.

"If you think so...why don't both you and Natsu come at me," I declare as the two wizards smirk.

"I don't like working with him...but I can make exceptions," Natsu taunts as I look at Erza.

"Is there medical facilities nearby?" I ask

"No," she says unamused.

"I won't hurt them to bad then," I mutter as they suddenly start sprinting toward me.

I don't hold back on Natsu, I unleash a medium sized explosion that sends him out into the ocean...it will take him some time to recover back to shore.

As for Gray.

"Ice hammer!" He yells as a giant hammer of ice appears above me.

On the foremost face of the weapon, I create a tiny explosion that cracks the ice a bit.

"That's not enough!" Gray yells as the hammer slams down on me.

As the hammer comes down on me, I slam my fist against the point to which I crack with my previous attack. The entire hammer shatters leaving me mostly unscathed.

"Huh!" Gray yells as surprise shocked his face.

"You can't use a hammer for everything. Sometimes you only need a scalpel," I point out as he changes tactics and rushes me.

Knowing that close combat is my weakness, that's the best course of action. However, I know that too.

Along the beach front, I create three horizontal lines of consistent mini explosions, separating us with three tiny trenches.

"That won't work!" Gray says as he creates an ice bridge to cross the trenches unhindered.

"No...it will," I mutter as steaming seawater rushes over Gray. Melting the bridge and forcing him to face-plant into the sand.

"(Y/N)!" Natsu yells as he is almost surfing the incoming waves.

"No," I say not wanting to deal with Natsu at the moment.

I create another explosion to fling him away...but instead of my plan going without a hitch...Natsu times it's perfectly to consume the fire within the explosion. Basically making it only push him back slightly.

I sigh as I look at Erza.

"He's the one who ate it," I mutter as she looks at me curiously.

Just before she asked her question, Natsu stops in his tracks, clenching his stomach.

"I don't feel so good," he mutters before barfing.

I shift my gaze back to Grey as he spits out sand in his mouth. His whole body was covered in sand.

"Say... you know what happens to sand when it gets really hot?" I ask him.

"It turns to glass," I smirk as an intense explosion surrounds Gray, a cloud of dust impairs our vision of him. Once it does die down, we can see that Gray was perfectly fine...the only thing different was he was encased in glass.

"I believe I have won," I tell them as Natsu is still barfing and Gray is trapped.

"How did Gray not get hurt in the explosion?" Lucy asks.

"I created an barrier around his body, similar to the one I used on Tenrou island, but much smaller," I tell her

"How much of your magic did you use?" Erza asks.

"About half. But if I wasn't holding back, only would have used about 10%," I tell her.

"Can you let me out!" Gray yells.

"What was something I used that you two didn't?" I ask them as Natsu is still suffering.

"Explosions," Gray answers.

"Half points I suppose...but not what I'm going for. I used my head...something you two are failing to do. Use the environment, think of clever ways to use your magic. On a head on fight, I would never have enough magical energy to beat you two," but I used what I could to lessen the amount of magic I used for the same job. For your ice hammer, there was no reason to explode the whole thing. I made a small explosion, and that created weak points and cracks. I hit that same point and the whole thing crumbled.

"With my relatively small stored magical energy, I can extend it by being clever with how I use my magic. Not every task is dealt with the same tools," I finish as I turn to learn.

"Let me out!" Gray yells as I turn to him again.

"Use your head to get out....no not your actual head, think about it," I motion before returning to the Inn.

Recovery (Fairy Tail Male Reader x Erza)Where stories live. Discover now