Chapter 1

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Luna's POV
I moved into this apartment with dreams and hope of finally being in peace,a place where I could be myself,

As a psychiatrist, I spend my days helping others escape their fears, but lately, it's my own fears that haunting me down.

Each night, as I walk home, I feel an ever-present unease. It started as a discomfort, but soon it became feeling of being exposed and vulnerable "It's just the stress," I tell myself, trying to convince my heart that it's all in my head. But I know deep down that it secretly is eating me out, I can't go to police because i don't have anything as proof? The feeling of helplessness sure is terrifying, i don't even know it what i saw last night was real or a part of my imagination?,

Last night, I stood by the window, hoping the quiet of the street would calm my mind to ease.

But destiny planned something else,

I saw him-an indistinct shadow standing across the street, partially concealed by the tree. My heart came into my throat, and I felt a shiver run down my spine,

"Who is that?" I whispered, my voice trembling. I wanted to scream out, to demand answers, but the fear, it paralyzed me making it hard for me to move or even utter a word

The figure remained still, his presence a cold, oppressive force in the darkness. My breath came in quick, shallow gasps. I could feel his eyes on me, even though I couldn't see them.

"Why is he watching me?"

The more I tried to rationalize it, the more the fear grew. "This isn't happening. It can't be," I murmured, but my thoughts were chaotic and a mess. I felt a desperate confusion in my head, my mind was struggling to piece together what was real and what wasn't. The figure's stillness was haunting and pettrified me,

I wanted to run, to hide from the sensation that someone was observing me, waiting for something.

But I was stuck to the spot, my gaze fixed on the dark figure. "Why am I so afraid?" I wondered aloud. "What does he want from me?"

I managed to tear my eyes away, My heart continued to race, my thoughts spiraling into a tangled mess of fear and curiosity.

I felt so vulnerable, so exposed. I wanted to understand what was happening? but the more I tried to grasp it, the more difficult it became.

In the silence of my apartment, the feeling of being watched, I felt like a puppet on a string, my emotions caught between terror and a strange curiosity. "Is it possible that he's not just watching but waiting for something?" I asked myself, my voice barely a whisper. The thought of his eyes following me. his presence was both terrifying and oddly compelling.

"Why do I feel this way?" I asked into the emptiness of my apartment. "What is it about him that makes me feel so... drawn?"

I was left with a sense of helplessness. My peace had become a prison.The figure outside was a shadow and a a ghost of my fears,

In the stillness of the night, I struggled to make sense of it all,

My heart was heavy with confusion and a strange, uncomfortable desire to understand the my fear. "I need to know who you are," I murmured into the darkness. "I need to know why you're here."

The feeling of dread and curiosity wrapped around me like a blanket..comfy yet suffocating?

I was caught between wanting to flee and the need to understand the mystery that had become so enterwined with my life just like how a couple holds hands, lacing fingers like knots.

The realization that my peace was no longer safe left me both terrified and deeply intrigued.


???'s POV
From my hidden space, I observed her with a cold intensity, She stands by the window, the soft light of her apartment complimeting her figure,

Her beauty an undeniable trance, even from this distance. Her long, deep black hair down her back reflects like a waterfall of midnight. Her eyes are dark and captivating, holding a mysterious depth that draws me in to her. Her lips, full and softly curved, are a perfect temptation, a promise of the secrets she hides.

"Who is that?" Her lips move, forming the question I can read clearly. The fear in her expression is a delicious sight.

Her attempts to understand what's happening only make her more alluring. Each flicker of confusion and every nervous glance reveals her vulnerability, and it ignites a possessive thrill within me.

"Why am I so afraid?" Her lips whisper the words I can't hear, but I read them with perfect clarity. Her struggle is intoxicating. The more she tries to rationalize her fear, the more it feeds my obsession. Her confusion only deepens the allure of her presence.

"What does he want from me?" Her lips form the question, her voice silent but her emotions are loud. Her desire to understand, to confront her fears, is a powerful draw, pulling her closer to me.

"Why do I feel this way?" she wonders silently. Her curiosity, coupled with her growing dread, creates a fascinating blend of emotions in me.

It's as if she's drawn to the very thing that terrifies her, a magnetic pull that only strengthens my resolve.

"I need to know who you are," she mouths, her voice lost in the night but her intent clear. Her need to uncover the mystery of her fear is a step closer to me.

I am consumed by the desire to make her mine, to be the center of her world, even if she can't yet see it.

As I watch her from the shadows, I am filled with a possessive satisfaction. She is my Asther, my star, The night is ours, and soon, she will come to realize that her peace has been transformed into a stage for our unfolding drama.

I remain hidden, savoring each moment of her struggle, knowing that her fear and curiosity are the keys to drawing her closer. She is mine, even if she doesn't yet understand it as the darkness envelops us.


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