Chapter 4

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Luna's POV

The city feels different today, its usual hum of life drowned out by the weight that has settled on my shoulders. Even as I walk through the hospital's sterile halls, there's a quiet, persistent tug in the back of my mind-like I'm forgetting something important. Or someone.

The past few days have been an endless cycle of routines, patient files, and meetings. But despite the normalcy, that unsettling feeling remains, like a shadow lurking just out of sight. Every time I check the cameras, nothing is there-no movement, no sign of an intruder-but the sense that I'm not alone never leaves.

I glance at the clock on my office wall, watching the seconds tick by. My next appointment is still a few minutes away, but I'm restless, my thoughts drifting back to the cryptic warning from the psychic patient: "He's close. Closer than you think."

I want to believe it was just the ravings of a troubled mind. I've dealt with delusions before, patients spiraling into paranoia. But something about his words has stuck with me. There's an edge to them that feels too real, too personal.

A knock on my office door interrupts my thoughts. I straighten in my chair as Eric steps in, his familiar, comforting presence easing some of the tension in my chest. His black tousled hair falls slightly over his forehead, and his hazel eyes behind those glasses seem to hold a hint of worry.

"You look exhausted," he says softly, his voice as gentle as ever.

I offer a weak smile. "Just another long week."

Eric studies me for a moment before walking over to sit in the chair opposite mine. "You've been off lately, Luna. I can tell."

"I'm fine, really," I reply, though the words feel hollow. I know he sees through me, but I don't have the energy to explain. How do I tell him that I feel like I'm being watched-that every time I leave my apartment or come to work, I feel eyes on me?

"You're lying," he says, but there's no accusation in his tone, only concern. "If something's going on, you know you can talk to me."

I look away, unable to meet his gaze. He's always been there for me-my closest friend, my shoulder to lean on when the world feels too heavy. But even now, I can't bring myself to open up about what's really haunting me. The fear feels too irrational, too personal.

"I'm just tired," I say finally, offering him another forced smile. "I'll be okay."

Eric doesn't push, but I can tell he's not convinced. "If you need to take a break, even for a day, I can cover for you."

"Thanks, Eric," I murmur. "I'll think about it."

He gives me a reassuring nod before leaving my office, and I exhale a breath I didn't realize I was holding. The walls feel like they're closing in on me, and I decide I need some air-anything to clear my mind.

I grab my coat and head out of the hospital, the crisp autumn air hitting me as I step outside. The city is bustling as usual, people moving in every direction, lost in their own worlds. I walk without a destination, letting my feet carry me through the streets until I find myself near a park. The open space offers a small sense of relief from the constant hum of the city.

That's when I see him.

Standing near the edge of the park, looking out at the quiet expanse of trees, is Jayden. His tall, commanding figure is hard to miss, even from a distance. He's dressed sharply, as though he's just left a high-powered meeting, his dark hair perfectly styled, and his posture as composed as ever.

For a moment, I consider turning around, pretending I didn't see him. But something stops me. My curiosity gets the better of me, pulling me toward him like a magnet.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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