Chapter 5

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I hurried to the source of the scream and found Harper on the ground, looking disheveled. The other girls gathered around her, clearly concerned.

"What happened!?" Zyra asked, clearly worried.

"I was trying to get the last apple from the tree, so I climbed up, but I fell," Harper explained as she brushed the leaves off herself.

"You guys should go back to work; it's just a scratch," she insisted, trying to downplay the situation.

"Okay, here are some band-aids," Zyra offered.

Harper took the band-aids and composed herself. The others returned to work, and so did I. I had gathered 16 different fruits, enough for all of us, and started heading back to the cabin. As I walked down the bridge, it seemed that the others had just finished their work and were also heading back.

"Oh, hi Naomi, are you also heading back?" I asked, attempting to start a conversation.

"Yes, I collected enough for tomorrow morning. Since I don't know how much longer we will be here, how about you?" she replied softly.

Her soft and calming voice made me feel like our worries had lifted with her innocent aura. As I stopped admiring her, I realized she had asked me a question. "Oh, umm, it's kind of less compared to you. I have like 16 fruits," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed. She must have thought I was being lazy.

"Wow, you're really kind, Celine. You purposely collected 16 to give Iris something to eat too," Naomi praised me, smiling.

Kind? But she's kinder, considering all the food she collected. As we reached the lake house, we saw the others gathering all the food and equipment we had collected so far.

"Oh, it's Celine and Naomi!" Sam greeted us as soon as he saw us.

"Are we the last ones?" I asked as we approached.

"No, we're still waiting for the other guys to arrive, you know, the macho guys, hihi," Sam replied, blushing.

"Don't mind Sam; he's been like that ever since he saw Juris," Harper said, carrying some dry leaves.

I guess Sam likes Juris.

"But Bryan is already here; he brought some chickens," Zyra pointed out.

Celeste took charge, organizing all the gathered vegetables and fruits in one area while the others worked together to start the fire before Shadmehr and the rest returned. Bryan and Aaron took the lead in building the fire, using their extensive knowledge on the subject.

They carefully gathered the materials for the fire, including tinder, kindling, and large pieces of wood. Aaron expertly arranged them into a triangular shape called a teepee, which is apparently ideal for cooking. Once the base was set, it was time to ignite the fire. They borrowed a small piece of steel from Paul and sharpened a rock to create a smoother surface for the flint and steel method. After creating a small flame on a stick, they carefully transferred it to the base, causing the fire to catch. They added more tinder to make the fire grow, and Harper ingeniously fashioned a small fan out of coconut leaves to aid in cooking.

After a while, the boys finally arrived, each carrying a different animal. Juris brought a pig, Shadmehr held a big tuna, and Rain had a variety of seafood including crabs, shrimps, and mussels. We were all pleasantly surprised by their bountiful catch.

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