1: Horace Somnusson

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I smile to myself, thinking about the wonderful day Horace and I had spent on the beach yesterday.

I feel so alive when I'm with him.

We've been best friends since the day I arrived on Miss Peregrines island. We were inseparable. We are inseparable.

We tell each other everything.

Well, maybe not everything. There is one thing I can't tell him. I know he doesn't feel the same way.

I feel something when I'm with him. Not just a best friend feeling, but a feeling feeling.

I sigh, and reach for the locket he gave me on my birthday last year. My hand hits my chest, not feeling the cold metal in my palm. I panic.

I haven't taken it off since the day he gave it to me.

That tiny silver heart meant so much to me. And now it's gone. Vanished. I start to really panic. The only place I could've lost it is the beach. It's a one in a million chance I'll find it in the vast amount of area we covered yesterday, but at least I can say I tried.

I hurriedly grab my white vans and slip them on.(damn daniel). My feet slowly pad against the hardwood floor, trying desperately not to make a lot of noise. I start my descent down the hallway and notice Horace's door is ajar which is strange for him, he's usually embarrassed about people hearing his nightmares so his door is closed pretty much all the time. I peek and all I see is an empty bed. I wonder what he's doing out at this time of night. I softly shut his door and continue down the hallway.

finally, I make it to the beach and begin my hunt.
I trace my steps, searching everywhere Horace and I had been the previous day.

The towel.

I had forgotten to bring my towel back yesterday.
It must be near there.

I rub my bare arms, desperate to get some heat, the cool night air leaving a chill on my skin.

The moon shines bright, just bright enough to see by.

I squint in the darkness ahead of me. I keep my eyes glued to the shoreline, searching for a glint of silver.

I see a small striped rectangle ahead of me. "Thank god," I whisper to myself, relief washing over me. I quicken my pace to a light jog. Bad idea. Me being the clumsiest person on the planet plus running in sand does not equal a good situation. I trip over my feet and fall face first for the ground.

I brace for impact, but it never comes.

I open my eyes and see Horace, holding me up. His usually neatly combed, slicked back hair, now tousled and framing his face. His hazel eyes glisten in the moonlight. He looks absolutely stunning; almost angelic.  I realize my staring and quickly take my own weight.

"What are you doing here?" We ask each other in unison. "I couldn't sleep. The nightmares kept me awake," he explains. "Why are you here? Not that I don't want you here, oh god no I'm actually really glad you're here. I mean-" I cut him off.

"Shh, I know what you meant," I say with a smile. "Remember that necklace you gave me for my birthday last year?" I ask.

"How could I forget?" He answers with a grin. "Well, I realised I misplaced it and I think it's here," I say sheepishly, feeling as if I had almost let him down by losing it.

He moves closer to me, pressing his lips to my ear. "Is this the necklace you're looking for?" He whispers, sending shivers down my spine.

He takes a step back and fastens a necklace around my neck. I look down at it and see the familiar locket.

"Oh my god, Horace thank you so much!" I say embracing him in a tight hug. I inhale, breathing in his scent; almost melting right into him. "How did you find it?" I ask him in awe.

"My little secret," he said with a wink, making my heart flutter.
"Ya know, we could stay here a little longer, I'm not in too much hurry to get back the house," he says. "Yeah, that sounds wonderful," I say.

He lays down on his back and looks up at the sky.
I stand awkwardly, not knowing whether to sit down next to him or wait for an invitation. He notices this, and pats the space next to him.

I grin, plopping down next to him. He looks at me with a mischievous smile.

I gasp, laughing and sputtering as he tickles my sides. "No fair you know I'm really ticklish!" I say in-between laughs.

I turn over, straddling him, and try to tickle him. I quickly realise he's not the least bit ticklish.

He flips us over so he's on top of me. He looks into my eyes and grins, slowly leaning down.

The closer he gets the faster my heart beats. I start to wonder if he can hear it, but the thought was cut off by soft, warm lips meeting my own. I freeze for a moment, but I soon start to kiss back.

The kiss deepens, our mouths moving in unison. My hand finds its way to his hair, entangling it in his dirty blonde locks. We kiss for what seems like an eternity until we both pull away, gasping for air.

As soon as we catch our breath, we both start to laugh. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he says. "Are you kidding me? I've had a crush on you for the longest time," I giggle.

He intertwines his hand with mine. "Would you do me, the immense honor, of being my girlfriend?" He asks

"Of course, Mr. Somnusson," I say teasingly.


I look up at the sky, realising it's a pale early morning blue. I shake Horace awake. "Hey, we should probably head back," I say softly.

"Just five more minutes, I haven't had a nightmare free sleep in ages. Come cuddle with me," he says in an adorable morning voice.

I smile and curl up next to him, slowly drifting off to sleep.
Hey my lovely peculiars!! Tell me if you enjoyed it, and also leave some suggestions of who I should do next ;0

Thanks for reading!

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