Flight delayed

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"Seokaa......yaaa Seokmin get up". Seokmin heard his mother calling his name. He lazily push the blanket, blinking his eyes few time to adjust to the light.

"Good morning mom". He greeted getting out of bed.

"Ohh Seok, look at the time. It's 9:30am, don't you have a flight at 10:30am?" His mother asked.

Seokmin's eyes widen. He check the time and his mother wasn't lying, it's actually thirty-two pass nine.

"Shit...... I'm gonna miss the flight". Seokmin huffed and ran to bathroom. Quickly brushing his teeth and taking a quick shower.

His mother shook her head and continued to watch the TV.

Due to some issue, all the flights flying from Seoul National airport are delayed.

"Ohh the flight got delayed Seok". His mother shouted. Seokmin peeked from his room. Watching the news he sigh in relaxation. He got some time in his hand.

He quickly got ready, packing his luggage.
"Bye mum, I'm leaving". He gave a quick peck on his mother's cheek before putting on his shoes and leaving.

He got into the taxi to get to airport.

The driver turned on the radio, Seokmin was scrolling through his phone.

An abnormal behaviourance is seen in people at some Seoul's province. What is all about and how it caused is still unresolved, but be careful on your way.

Seokmin didn't pay much attention to the radio. He just wanted to get to the airport as soon as possible.

He paid the taxi driver and rushed inside the airport. After got his tickets checked. He got to know that his flight was two hours late.

He sigh in relief, it's better to wait at the airport than getting late for the flight.

He saw many passengers were waiting in the waiting area. He decided to take a seat at a very cornered row.

He put his backs aside and sat beside a guy who was busy working on his laptop. Both exchange a small bow before getting back to their work.

"Ahh the flight is two hours late". Two guys more like a couple came and sat just infront of them.

"At least we are not late". The short one said with a shrug.

"Brother in law". Another guy came happily running towards them.

"Channie, why are you still hear? Wasn't your flight supposed to take off half an hour ago?" The shorter asked a little surprised.

The boy named Chan took a seat beside the shorter. "The flight got delayed Jihoon hyung". He explained.

"Ohhh then why don't you wait with us? Otherwise Soonyoung will annoy me". The shorter said glaring at the taller.

"Ohh my hyung, he is your husband and to remind you, you two are going on a honeymoon". Chan said cheesily.

"Still that doesn't change the fact that he annoys me". Jihoon shrugged.

Seokmin and the person sitting beside him did actually find it kinda cute and were interested in their conversation.

The one about whom the whole conversation was going on was just grinning widely.

"Soonyoung hyung he is calling you annoying". Chan said to his brother in law, who just laughed loudly.

"Channie, I've known your brother from years now. Even though we just got married, that doesn't mean those six years of dating were nothing. And from those years, I'm sure about one thing. Your hyung loves it when I annoy him". Soonyoung shrugged.

The Last Flight ✈️ Seventeen Zombie Au ✈️Where stories live. Discover now