The air hazed around me, and when it cleared, the hunter and three others were nearby. Some discomfort tightened my chest, but it was minor after a solo port.
"A Saursune swung by," the older hunter commented. "It left, just like last time. I'm guessing it's the same one since it was the same color."
"It probably put more trackers in the carry nets. There were two really big tracking beads in the last batch."
"That would explain why the Saursune showed up shortly after you ported, then immediately left without bothering us. We're probably packing another tracking bead," the hunter crossed his arms unhappily.
Trying to dig through a pile of wilted greens while looking for something potentially as small as a grain of rice was so futile it might as well have been pointless. Thankfully, the scanner would allow us to find it in seconds. I was tempted to bring the scanner here, but a lot of groups would be returning about now, and it would be needed there.
I sat with my back against the crystal while waiting for the others to arrive. Light shimmered through my veins pleasantly. It had a calming and relaxing effect, which was why I didn't sit like this when I had to be vigilant. Some birds sang overhead, prudently remaining in the dense branches and out of sight of the hunter.
"It's back," the hunter said, stepping closer to the crystal. The other three ran over.
I scrambled to my feet. Once I was standing, the Saursune's light green scales made it easy to spot. It was close enough for me to see its eyes meet mine. It padded silently through the forest as it circled us at a distance, then disappeared into the undergrowth.
"If that wasn't a check-in to see what we were doing, I don't know what is," the hunter said, still watching the shrubs.
"What—what is it waiting for?" a woman asked nervously.
My eyes drifted to the carry nets beside the crystal. "We haven't moved the nets in over an hour. Maybe it thought we found a tracking bead and left it behind?"
The woman shuddered and took a half-step away from what she had helped collect. We remained mere footsteps from the crystal but saw no further sign of the Saursune.
Not long after, rustling in the distance put us on alert. Our last six companions emerged from the undergrowth at a run. Their swift pace could only mean one thing.
"Get ready to bounce," I told those near me, although they were already grabbing the carry nets.
"There's a Saursune behind us!" one called across the distance, out of breath.
"The others are already safe," the hunter beside me called back, holding out a hand. "We're just waiting for you."
They put on a final, weary burst of speed and grabbed onto the outstretched hands offered. Even though I didn't see anything behind them, I saw no point in waiting around.
"Guard Station."
Even as the forest disappeared, a glimpse of light green appeared on the trail the group had used. It blurred out before I could see any details.
As soon as we arrived, the hunter said, "Check for trackers."
The guard was already following the scanner, which showed two regular dots and a larger, pulsing one. I waited by the crystal, rubbing the area above my heart with a faint frown.
The discomfort was back and worse than before. The hour-long break had helped, but porters could only manage so many trips a day—especially if they were heavy ones—regardless of how well we rested between. Thankfully, it wasn't a deep ache. I didn't have time for a fifteen-minute break.

Between The Crystals
Science FictionEnjoy this story for free, available now for a limited time! The aliens kill every human they catch, or in rare cases, put trackers on them to discover their hidden villages. When Natalie is caught in an ambush, she is unexpectedly released. But the...
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