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Ch 85 Citrine

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My heart rate slowly subsided to its normal rhythm. If I tried, I could almost pretend the inside of the airship was like the large cave at Catseye Mural. And...it really wasn't that scary. The light brown walls were the same shade as most desert cliffs, and the dark brown floor resembled packed dirt. It was quiet inside, with a few birds singing somewhere in the trees past the open door.

The piles of furs and the strange crystal were surprisingly reassuring. It also helped that the Saursunes were completely relaxed. In fact, I halfway expected the green one to start snoring soon.

It was beginning to feel weird thinking of them as "the green Saursune" or "the brown female". I was going to have to start giving nicknames to the familiar individuals. I pulled the orange out of my pouch and nibbled on the sweet fruit while pondering that idea.

I nicknamed crystals, so why not Saursunes? It wasn't possible to ask their names, and even if I did figure out a way, I wouldn't be able to pronounce it in their language of hisses, hums, and deep rumbles.

When I named the crystals, it described the location, which wouldn't work for the Saursunes.. The only thing I knew about them was their color—could that be enough?

The green Saursune's shade was very similar to a jasper stone one of the hunters carried, so I could call him Jasper. As for the brown female... I glanced at her rich brown scales and hide as I finished the orange and tucked the peel inside my belt pouch, still unable to think of a stone that matched her color.

Maybe Citrine? The sand-polished gems were yellowish, but the raw pieces were often dark brown. It seemed like a good enough name since I couldn't think of anything else.

The dark blue, armored Saursune at Orange Tree Valley would probably remain "the fighter" since the only blue stones I could think of were sapphires, and that didn't seem like a good fit. I'd have to come up with something a bit more original.

My thoughts were interrupted as a brown tail slid across the furs with a faint whisper of sound, curling in front of me and sliding up and over my legs. I tensed at the movement and weight as my heart began to race once more. My muscles trembled, and I would have bolted for the door if her tail hadn't been on top of my legs.

Citrine wiggled closer, using her tail to keep me in place, until her side touched my back. The tail shifted off my lap and remained curled loosely in front of me. I waited pensively although she didn't even lift her head.

Her quiet hum was closer to a reassuring purr as she lifted her head and rubbed her cheek against my arm, then used the side of her snout to push my chest back, closing the narrow gap between my shoulders and her side.

With me now leaning against her, her head dropped back onto her hands, and her eyes closed. My muscles were tense, and I tried to keep them from shaking. I was still sitting mostly upright, but I now had a Saursune as a backrest.

Did I dare pull away? Was she just trying to be friendly by letting me lean on her, much like I did during the disorientation after sharing energy? It was almost identical to how she had curled around me after my first energy share and subsequent collapse.

She probably assumed she was being helpful. Had it been any other Saursune, I would have pulled away. I took a deep breath and tried to relax, reminding myself that she had left the map and figures by the crystal, and that she had shown us returning. The door remained open. It wasn't much of a reassurance, but it was enough for me to continue leaning against her.

Jasper hadn't budged or even opened an eye. Apparently it was going to be a group resting session.


With a yawn, Jasper stretched and rose to his feet. Citrine also lifted her head; she nuzzled my arm, then nudged my shoulder forward. I gratefully clambered to my feet. The resting time had been a bit longer than yesterday but not by much. With luck, I hadn't been gone so long that Merryl started worrying. Who was I kidding? She would have been worried before I even left the clearing.

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