chapter one

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💐𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆


As soon as we got out the assembly hall, me, Ivy and Aubrey started talking about the Fall Ball.

"Now we have to find a date I guess..." Aubrey said.

"It'll be fine though, because everyone's desperate." Ivy said, but I think she was convincing herself more than us.

Aubrey sighed, "It's high school, Ivy, everyone is always desperate!"

Just then, I saw someone walk up to me and appear at my side, "Oh, hey Ethan!"

"Hey Els!" He smiled, "So, Fall Ball, huh?"

"Yeah, should be fun!"

"So...any idea who you're going with?" He asked.

"No, not really." That was a lie. 


"I don't want to ask someone and then be rejected, you know?"

"Yeah, cos who would want to go to the Fall Ball with Ella Wallace?" He laughed sarcastically.

I gave him a look, "Why, have you got anyone in mind?"

"Maybe, maybe not," he said, "You'll just have to wait and see, I guess."

Suddenly, Jacob came up to Ethan, giving me and the other girls a quick smile, and told him something about needing help with stuff at home, and Ethan quickly turned to me, "Ah sorry, Els, but this is important. Talk later?"

"Yeah, of course, I get that. I'll text you later," I smiled to Eth, and said to Jacob as they turned away, "Hope everything's okay!"

"Thanks, Ella," he said as the two boys walked off, and I turned back to Ivy and Aubs, apologising.

"It's alright, El!" Aubrey said as we continued to walk down the corridor. Ivy nodded, "Yeah, you're good. Also, you should definitely use this as a chance to speak to Jacob later!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. The two girls were the only ones who knew about my crush on Jacob, which I've had literally forever. The two of us have had some lighthearted banter for years now, and I just wish I could speak to him more just us two, but we only ever spoke when Ethan was around.

"I do feel like I should ask if he's okay. Eth says he struggles at home sometimes..."

"Yeah, maybe," Aubrey replied. She then added excitedly, "So are you gonna try ask him to the dance?"

"I want to, but I don't know how, and like I said to Ethan, what if he says no?"

"Well then, his loss." Ivy said, "You'll find the right moment, and the right guy."

"Yeah, you're right."


Later that day, when I was at home drawing while listening to music, my phone started buzzing. I picked it up to see 'MORTY 🤨💕 ' calling me. I picked it up and answered, to see Ethan's face.

"You said you'd text me!"

"I did! I said 'hi' and you left me on read!" I laughed.

"No you- oh!" He rolled his eyes, "I must've clicked on the message but forgot. Sorry, Ella!"

"Well we're talking now so it doesn't matter!"

He nodded as I continued to sketch, adding shading to the dolphins I was drawing. He askd me what I was drawing, so I held it up to show him.

"Ah, that's so good!"

"Thanks, the nose of this one went a bit wonky though." I said, trying to fix it as he reassured me it looked good. From the other end of the phone I heard the pop of a Pepsi can being opened.

"Seriously, Pepsi at 9pm?"

"Yeah, obviously!" He took a sip, "It's literally the best thing since...ever. Besides it's not even that late."

"It is for me, my phone locks at 10."

"Ugh, I hate all your curfews...but I love Pepsi!"

"I still think coffee's better!"

"Of course you do, but that's just so basic! Pepsi is far superior!"

"You can get so many different types of coffee, though. Pepsi's just Pepsi," I said.

"Well if there's so many types of coffee, how is every single one better than Pepsi?" He argued, "besides you can get different flavours of Pepsi: cherry, lime, mango, vanilla. I think there's a vanilla..."

"Whatever you say! But even if Pepsi is better than coffee, coke is better."

His face fell at my statement as he spoke, "Please tell me you're joking."

The two of us continued to laugh and talk, until my mom walked in, "Ella sweetie, who are you on the phone to?"

"Oh, just Ethan." I said as he said hi to my mom through the screen.

"Hello!" She said then turned to me, "Ella, time to finish up now. I don't mind if you do a bit of reading or something before bed but no more screens, okay?"

"Okay," I picked up my phone, "Bye, Eth, see you at school tomorrow."

"Bye, Els! Bye Mrs Wallace!" He said as I hung up.

Once I got ready for bed, I read The Summer of Broken Rules before turning my lamp off and getting comfy, thinking over all the things that had happened today, and wondering what will happen at the 



Only a short(-ish) one but I really wanted to get this outttt! I've literally been writing this for like three hours and I've only done 790 words 😭

It's okay though I think it's pretty good. Definitely hinting at some possible relationships in this chapter 😉

Literally love every character in this and all their friendships/relationships are gonna be so cute, and honestly already are. I literally cannot state enough how much I love this 😆 I was speaking to Kat the other day and like genuinely I think I'm gonna have to figure out a sequel once this is done I don't want it to end 😭😭

Tammy's pov for chapter two!!! Feeling really motivated for this so it'll probably be out really soon (no promises tho lmao!).


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