chapter two

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🌱𝒕𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒆𝒓


The next day at school, everyone was talking about the Fall Ball. I walked in with Aubs, who was telling me about how apparently a new girl is joining our year, which is really exciting.

We were sat in a history lesson when it happened. Luckily, we had a substitute teacher, so naturally everyone sat where they wanted to. I sat next to Aubrey in the middle row, and our teacher began talking, yapping about who knows what. Suddenly, our head of year, Mr Kayle, knocked on the door and entered with a really pretty red-haired girl.

Like, really pretty.

"Hello, Mrs Dawn. Hello everyone. This is Isabella Thompson!" Mr Kayle announced, then turned to Mrs Dawn, "Now I have to be off, make sure she settles into the class well!"

"Oh my gosh, I know her" Aubrey whispers to me as Mr Kayle walks off with a nod and a smile, "Her brother and Jake are, like, best friends."

Mrs Dawn instructed the new girl to sit down in the only empty chair: next to me. She was pretty outgoing and talkative, so we got on well. She told me how she does a ton of acting and singing, and I told her about my love for water aerobics. I'd barely even known Isabella - or Bella, as she prefers - for an hour, and it's like we'd always known each other.

Me and Isabella both had maths together next, so we walked there as a pair, and at break, Bella came to sit with me, Kie, Reggie and Allie. It was a bit awkward at first, as expected, but by the end of break, I'm pretty sure they'd sort of gotten used to each other.

Kie kept giving me looks the whole time. Little smirks, little glances, little 'it's obvious's, little nudges. I just pretended I didn't see them, but I know she knows I really did. The worst thing is, She's right. Every smirk and nudge Kierra would give me only made me realise more that in just the short time I had known her, I was wonderstruck by Isabella.

I don't really know why, she was just so different from anybody I'd come across before. Different in a good, interesting, strange way. Different in a way I liked. A lot.


Over the next week or so, I tried to think of other things, but my mind couldn't help but focus on her red hair, her smile, her. I spoke to Reggie about it, because he's usually good with things like this.

"...I just don't know what to do!"

"Look, calm down, Tam. Just speak to her like normal until you start to notice...signs from her, you know? Then you can make your move. Yeah?"

I sighed, putting my head in my hands, as Reggie put his arm around me in a comforting manner, "But what if she's not...what if she's not into girls. What if she rejects me. How awkward will that be?" After all, it's all a bit fast.

"Tam, she was talking to me in science about her ex-girlfriend," he said, "Plus, you're amazing. Nobody in their right mind wouldn't want to go to the Fall Ball with you."

"Well, would you?" I laughed, jokingly.

He smiled, "As friends, yeah, but you know I've liked Kie for ages now."

I nodded in response, sure I did. It's been about a year, and yet I'm still the only one who knows about his crush.

We stand up as the bell rings, signalling for us to go to our lessons, but as I hug Reggie, I can't stop thinking about what to do about the whole Bella situation.




Only a short one 😔 but i think it's pretty good??

Hopefully tomorrow I can update or at least start to work on more because (fake) Sick Day 😛😎

Hope it's okay!

Oh and btw in cass you forget go onto the next page!!! 


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