Part 2: Dance Class

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AU: This is a continuation from my last chapter that I did so I hope you guys like it Enjoy! btw guys in this story Bridget and Hook are in the same dance class together.

Bridget, Hook and Ella all walk to dance class and Bridget is so excited because she has never danced with anyone before especially a pirate with a hook for a hand although Hook is quite the opposite he is very nervous to be dancing with a girl like Bridget because he thinks that he might hurt her with his hook or he might mess up the dance due to how nervous he is.

—In the dance studio—
All the students were staring at Hook because he normally never comes to class but today something changed in him but he didn't know what. Mr Miller said to the class to get into their pairs but when he saw Bridget and Hook together he was astonished by what he just witnessed.

Hook was very nervous and he didn't know where to put his hook because he didn't want to hurt Bridget. "Put your hook around my waist i'm sure it will be fine" Bridget said trying to calm down the pirate that was in front of her. Hook put his hook around her waist and they started dancing.

Mr Miller decided to put on some music so he ordered the orchestra to start playing some traditional dancing music.

All the students were dancing until they all stopped to watch Hook and Bridget dance together. Hook and Bridget didn't even know that the other students were watching them until it came to the end of their dance class and everyone was clapping and cheering for them. Ella however wasn't clapping and cheering but she was just rolling her eyes at them.

"James and Bridget your work today was extraordinary I hope you keep it up" Mr Miller said theatrically to Hook and Bridget as they were walking out the classroom.

—in the hallway—

"That was amazing James! i didn't even know you learnt how to dance" Bridget said happily as she was amazed at how well Hook could dance. "It's nothing really I mean my dad did teach me how to dance before he um passed" Hook said with a sad expression on his face. Ella again just rolled her eyes whilst watching them. "Oh my god i'm so sorry James, i'm here for you if you ever need to talk." Bridget said to Hook in a very soft and gentle way. "It's fine don't worry princess." Said Hook trying to reassure Bridget that it's fine. Ella did not look happy when her best friend was talking to a VK.

"Anyway me and Ella need to go to our next class which is honours Alchemy so I guess I'll see ya around maybe?" Bridget said to Hook when she realised what the time was. "Yeah sure I'll see you around sometime" Hook said to Bridget whilst smiling at her. Ella then grabbed Bridget's hand and began to run away whilst holding onto Bridget's hand. All Hook could do was just watch them leave.

—Meanwhile with Bridget and Ella—

Bridget was talking all about how Hook was such a great dance partner and how she had to bake him something in order to show that she was thankful for him being her dance partner. Ella just kept rolling her eyes at how Bridget was rambling on about Hook. Bridget then started to overthink on what to bake him to show her gratitude towards him. "What if he's allergic to eggs, or milk, or chocolate or anything like that." Bridget said whilst panicking. "Don't worry B, I'm sure he's not allergic to any of those ingredients." Ella said whilst trying to calm her down. "Besides i put the trolly of cupcakes by the classroom door." Ella said telling Bridget where she put the princess of hearts's trolly of baked goods.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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