chapter 3: a goddess in the classroom

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The next morning, the sun climbed over the horizon, casting its warm golden rays over the city of Redhaven. The light filtered through the trees, glimmering off the dew-covered grass and painting the school grounds in a soft, ethereal glow. Danny Smith trudged up the steps to the school building, his mind still whirling from the events of the previous day. He had barely slept, his thoughts tangled in the whirlwind that was Aquanna, the eccentric and impossibly cheerful Goddess of Love who had inexplicably decided to make him her new project.

As he entered the school, the familiar buzz of students chatting and lockers slamming barely registered with him. He walked down the hallway in a daze, his feet moving on autopilot toward his homeroom. All he wanted was a quiet day to try and wrap his head around everything, but the moment he stepped into the classroom, he knew that wouldn’t be possible.

The room was alive with energy, far more than usual for a Monday morning. His classmates were buzzing with excitement, their voices rising and falling in waves. It took Danny a moment to realize that all their attention was focused on something—or rather, someone—at the front of the room.

His heart skipped a beat when he followed their gazes and saw Aquanna standing there, her presence impossible to ignore. She was wearing a perfectly tailored school uniform, but somehow, on her, it looked more like a designer outfit. The crisp white blouse and plaid skirt clung to her form in a way that made her look like she had stepped right out of a fashion magazine. Her bubblegum pink hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, catching the light and giving her an almost otherworldly glow. Her eyes, a brilliant shade of aquamarine, sparkled with the same mischievous glint that had been driving Danny to the brink of insanity since they met.

The boys in the room were practically drooling, their eyes glued to Aquanna as if she were the only thing in the world worth looking at. Even the girls, who were usually more composed, couldn’t help but shoot envious looks in her direction, though some seemed just as captivated as the boys.

Mrs. Harrison, the homeroom teacher, stood beside Aquanna with a warm smile on her face, though there was a slight furrow in her brow as if she couldn’t quite place where she knew this new student from. After all, students like Aquanna didn’t just appear out of thin air—unless they were goddesses, of course.

“Good morning, everyone,” Mrs. Harrison began, her voice cutting through the chatter. “We have a new student joining us today. This is Aquanna...” She paused, glancing at Aquanna with a slightly puzzled expression. “Uh, Aquanna...?”

Aquanna giggled, the sound like the tinkling of bells. “Just Aquanna is fine!” she chirped, her voice bright and cheerful, as if there was nothing unusual about her sudden appearance.

Mrs. Harrison nodded, still looking a bit confused but choosing not to press the matter. “Alright then, Aquanna. Why don’t you take a seat?”

Without hesitation, Aquanna moved—no, floated—across the room. Her feet barely seemed to touch the ground as she glided over to the empty seat beside Danny with an effortless grace that left the entire class in stunned silence. As she sat down, she flashed Danny a radiant smile that made his heart race in spite of himself.

The whispers broke out immediately, a low murmur that spread through the room like wildfire. Danny had always been popular, particularly with the girls, but he had never shown interest in any of them. The fact that this stunning new girl had chosen to sit next to him sent shockwaves through the classroom. The girls were particularly displeased, their jealous stares boring into Danny’s back like daggers.

Danny, for his part, was too shocked to care. His mind was racing as he tried to process the fact that Aquanna was now sitting beside him, in his classroom, dressed like a normal student as if this were the most natural thing in the world. His hope for a quiet day was officially dashed.

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