a girl who was a Christian that got brukked out by her boyfriend
this a jamaican patwa story if you can't speak patwa an English don't read
The main character the girl will be saying English for a while but the rest of the characters talk proper pa...
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I just woke up feeling happy to go to school today, I spread my uniform across my bed taking up my perfume, under garments and my bag packed on the bed.
After getting everything ready for school I took out my Bible and started reading some daily verses, then my sister suddenly barged in my room jumping and screaming "guess what"she said still jumping
"what" I asked confused
she began telling me "all Port Antonio schools are closed because of a severe road accident and there all closed for today only" she said estatic "that's great it gives me more time to read my book" I said smiling
"No" she said demanding
"why" I asked with my smile fading
"Mi ago ask mom to go to a party with mi boyfriend" she said with a pout
"fine but you have to buy me a stitch plushie" I said holding out my hand
"deal" she said shaking my hand.
After that deal I was so exited for my new plush.
Soon she got out telling me she'll leave clothes on my bed "okay" I replied smiling.
I'm so exited to go to the party it's the first one I'm attending in forever.
~~hours later~~
As I stepped in the bathroom I closed it, and stripped off my clothes, then I entered the shower and took out my peach loofah before I applied it to my skin after that process I rinsed of the soap then I took my body scrub and applied it to my loofah then applying it to my skin and then rinsing off the soap, then I locked of the water and rubbed my feet on the carpet and putting on my towel.
Once my towel was on I took up my skincare products and applying them to my face after my skincare routine was finished I placed then neatly on the shelf and then brushed my teeth after all that was done I entered my room.
As I entered my room there was an outfit there pink but I didn't actually know how it looked so I just putted on my panty and my shorts then putting on the dress ,my necklace, my perfume and my heels then looking at my finished look in the mirror.
Lexi did my make up and hair in the morning surprised it didn't mess up.
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