a girl who was a Christian that got brukked out by her boyfriend
this a jamaican patwa story if you can't speak patwa an English don't read
The main character the girl will be saying English for a while but the rest of the characters talk proper pa...
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I just woke up to noise downstairs, then I got ot of the bed putting on my teddy slippers and went into the living room while rubbing my eyes to see coco my cat from I was 16 from my dad, running around and about while scratching on mom's new brown Dior bag she got last week.
I quickly ran to her and picked her while she was trying to get out of my embrace to attack the bag, when I got closer her bag had a foul oder and gagged at the smile then I went to mom's room.
When I reached the second floor I knocked on my mom's door twice before she answered.
"Who's there" she asked sounding annoyed.
"It's me Ali" I said lowly enough so she could hear.
Then I soon heard footsteps coming to the door, then it opened to reveal her in blue lingerie and her white slides.
"Yes sweetie, are you okay" she asked sounding concerned.
"I'm okay mom but coco keeps on attacking your bag and it has this foul oder" I said scrunching up my face obviously disgusted.
"Oh my God baby I'm so sorry I had some raw meat that I got for coco and forgot to take it out" she said in realization.
"It's fine mom I'm gonna get ready for school you probably should clean that" I said smiling.
"K baby" she said chuckling.
"Bye" I said while fixing coco in my hands.
As I entered my room I putted down coco on the ground then went in my closet and took out my uniform neatly placing it on the bed and went to the bathroom.
As I entered the bathroom and closed the door coco was purring behind the door.
"I'll come soon coco" I said in a baby voice.
Then stripped off my pj's then entered the shower and took a well deserved shower.
When I was finished I wrapped the towel around my body and took up my skincare products and applying them to my face.
After my skincare routine I took up my toothbrush and applied the toothpaste and started brushing my teeth.
After I finished all that I re-entered the bedroom and took off the towel and started putting on my uniform and undergarments.
After putting on my uniform and tucking in my blouse I took up my black flat shoes because I wasn't feeling the airforce today.
And sprayed my perfume and took up my jansport bag and putted it on my back and picking up coco and heading downstairs.