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Kaanari Bailey

My heart was beating fast. Adrenaline was rushing.

This nigga done fell asleep with his phone unlocked.

This must be a sign.

I slowly looked at him grabbing it. There was nothing in the regular messages so i went to the recently deletes...

When i tell ya i gotta go put my heart on ice cause i can't breathe. I ordered my uber as i took pictures of everything on my phone.

I quietly got up putting his phone down easing towards the door looking back at him sound asleep high as ever.

"Dope fiend ass bitch" i mumbled bucking at him.


3weeks later

"you just floating round the hood on e" i said to Nique.

"E stand for everlasting boo" Nique retorted.

"and w stand for walking dumb bitch" i mugged her. "something i aint finna be doing in this heat."

"and im wit you when you right sista." Miyah cosigned.

"what happened to 7pm friday 95 degrees?" Nique laughed.

"i was the one said that?" I asked.

"im finna get some gas smart mouth ho" she smacked her lips pulling over into the gas station.

"that car look fam-" as soon as Miyah spoke a familiar nappy ass head leaned out the car.

"there go yo twin." Nique pointed.

"on God stop pointing for they start shooting."i slapped her hand down. "niggas be slutted dont say thats my twin."

"ain no way lil memphis going out like that."

"he aint my nigga so ion give a damn." i shrugged.

Miyah and Nique looked at eachother.

"bitches wig be so damn big probably cause its full of liessss" Miyah dragged.

Now that she say that my head is itchy.

"go put 20 on 7." Nique tried to hand me some money.

"ill pay" i said getting out.

I went in the store and paid, as i was walking out somebody called my name.

"Nari Da G" Tala called.

"wassup wit it" i gave a head nod.

"come here anti ass hoe" Reeco cheesed.

"for what?" i laughed.

"bring yo ass here girl." he said.

I huffed walking over to them.

"what you got going" Tala shook me up.

"shii chilling" i said tryna make the conversation quick.

"where my other girlfriends?" Tala asked.

"over there" i pointed. I could feel eyes on me but i refused to look.

"where yall coming from?"

"from round the way"

I finally looked over at him. He stared at me before a smile crept on his face.

"wassup wit yo lil ass" he spoke rolling up.

"just said im chilling" i shrugged.

"fuck you been at?"

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