Chapter 1

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Alex's POV
~Diagon Alley~

The morning sun filtered gently through the canopy of trees lining the streets of London, casting a warm glow on the bustling scene ahead. Alex Black stood at the entrance to Diagon Alley, her raven-black hair catching the light as she took in the enchanting sight before her. Beside her was Sirius Black, her father, whose eyes twinkled with a mixture of excitement and affection.

"Ready for an adventure, Alex?" Sirius asked, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Alex smiled, feeling her nerves ease. "Absolutely, Dad. I've heard so much about this place, but I've never really had the chance to explore it myself."

Sirius's grin widened. "Well, let's dive in!"

With a wave of his wand, Sirius guided Alex through the hidden entrance that led to the heart of Diagon Alley. The moment they stepped into the street, Alex was greeted by a sensory overload of magical sights and sounds. The air was filled with the scent of parchment, enchanted sweets, and a myriad of potion ingredients, creating a heady mix of magic and excitement.

Their first stop was Ollivanders. The shop, with its shelves packed to the brim with wands, exuded an air of ancient magic. The rich aroma of wood and parchment enveloped them as they entered. Sirius's eyes shone with anticipation as he spoke.

"The wand chooses the wizard," Sirius explained, his voice carrying a note of reverence. "It's one of the most pivotal moments for any young witch or wizard. Let's see which wand finds you."

Mr. Ollivander, with his piercing silvery eyes, emerged from behind a stack of wands. He regarded Alex with a thoughtful expression as he began the process of finding the perfect wand for her.

The selection process was filled with anticipation. Alex tried several wands, each one responding differently. Then, she picked up a wand made of maple wood with a dragon heartstring core. Its rigidity and flexibility were perfect for her. As she gave it a tentative wave, the wand responded with a burst of bright, golden sparks, casting a warm glow throughout the shop.

"Perfect," Mr. Ollivander said, his smile revealing his satisfaction. "This wand, with its maple wood and dragon heartstring core, has chosen you. It's a wand of great versatility and strength."

With her wand secured, Sirius and Alex continued their exploration of Diagon Alley. They visited Flourish and Blotts, where Alex was mesmerized by the vast collection of magical books. The shopkeeper, an elderly witch with a knowing smile, recommended the latest edition of "Hogwarts: A History," which Alex eagerly accepted.

Their final stop was the apothecary. The shop was a treasure trove of potion ingredients and magical curiosities. Alex's eyes sparkled as she examined jars filled with shimmering powders and rare herbs. Sirius shared his knowledge of potion-making with her, making the experience even more captivating.

As the day began to wind down, Sirius and Alex found themselves sitting on a bench near the entrance to Diagon Alley, the setting sun casting a golden hue over the street. Alex looked around, her heart full of wonder and newfound appreciation.

"This has been incredible, Dad," Alex said, turning to Sirius with genuine gratitude. "Thank you for making this day so special."

Sirius's eyes softened with paternal pride. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You deserve to experience the magic on your own terms."

Alex nodded, her thoughts already drifting toward the adventures awaiting her at Hogwarts. With Sirius by her side, she felt a renewed sense of excitement and readiness to embrace the magic that was now a vibrant part of her world.

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