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"You have to do it!"my father shouted at me as i wasn't paying any attention to him.My hand's started to shake a little,as i wanted to hit him so bad but instered of that i stood up from his office chair."Or what?" I asked him,he just stared at me...he just fucking stared at me."We are the most powerful mob in the whole Greate Britain,do you really want to loose all your inheritance just because you didn't want to break someones feelings? I didn't raise you this way Thomas"my father told me after a while of silence."Fine i'll go to that stupid interview for that job,when is it again?"i asked my 'loving' father."Tomorow at 8:30am Haz'll drive you and i'll let them know you're coming."My father left the office,leaving me there in complete silence.I heard a knock on the door but i didn't say anything,i just stared into the big window as someone walked in."Honey?everything okay?"i flinched as i reconiced the voice,my eyes opened wide."Mum,what are you doing here?you're supposed to be laying down"i asked her as I looked at her."Yes i know honey but I came to check on you." I came to check on you those words repeated in my head all over again."Im okay,don't worry about me,now come on let's get you to bed" i smiled at her.Since my mum got sick my father's been an asshole to everyone...I guees it's his way of accepting the fact that she need's time to heal from it,if she'll.I walked her to her bed and covered her with her dark blue sheets,she loves that colour because it reminds her of our trip on the Yacht,she loved the sea since she was just a little girl.I kissed her fourhead as she closed her eyes "I love you mum" I said as I walked off of her room.My mind was blinded by few emotions,most of them were an anger and a sadness i knew i had to let those horrible thoughts go,I had to be strong...for her.I'm not the kind of guy who sleeps with every girl each night,no i'm not like him.Don't get me wrong but I could never have another women in bed while i'm married,at least I hope so.My thoughts stopped as Harry went in my way,he looked pissed so i just letted him be.For those who doesn't know i have three Brothers...the twins Harry&Sam and the youngest little Paddy well at least he used to be little.It was getting pretty late so i've decided that i'll have nice,warm shower because tomorrow is an inportant least my father says so.As I walked half naked from my bathroom i heard the door open,it was Paddy who was standing there,probaby too scared to move.I was too tired to say anything so I just signed him to come to me.I sat down on my king sized bed and picked him up,so he was sitting on my knees now."What's up Buddy?"i asked him in my deep tired voice.He didn't answer he just hugged me tight."Do you wanna sleep here tonight?"i asked him knowing it'll make him smile,and i was right.I was so focused on making my father proud i nearly forgot about the others,as their older brother i had the urge to protect them.I just had to...

"You know I hate to change my french class but I just have to Nicole" i said to my best friend  in a little dissapointed voice.She gave me a look because she just doesn't wat to argue with me."Okay fine,but if he hurt's you don't blame it on me"she said."You know he won't" I whined."Yea right"with that I left the living room.I went to my room to get ready for bed but Nicole followed me."Y/n Béatrice Y/l/n!"she said."Did you just called me by my full name?"I asked her politely."Yes I did now go get ready for bed,it's getting pretty late."Non ma folle aimante petite Nicole,pas encore." I started to talk to her in French because i knew she sucked at it and I was better just because my parents used to live there when I was little and my grandma Anaïs still does,gosh i miss her so much."Yeah,you can go to hell with that Y/ know I bearly know any french."she said."You know we still have the Cheval Blank in the fridge."I chuckeld as I watched her basically run off to the kitchen of our appartement to make sure I wasn't lying.Minutes later she came back with a huge smile on her face and two glasses of an expensive vine that my father gave us when he visited in her hands.My parent's doesn't visit much and they insist of bringing each kind of vine when they do."But just one glass,we have classes to take tomorrow Y/n"Nicole said.I playfully rolled my eyes,from her face i could see she's something on her mind."What's going on in that beautiful mind?you okay?"i've asked her.She didn't respond,just looked at me with worried look.After a while she finally spoke up:"Mateo contacted me,uhm,are you guys okay?tell me you aren't breaking up or anything,i've alredy planned a wedding like Y/n you can't let him go not now-" I cutted her off,she was tottaly freaking out about the fact that me and Mateo are le démembrement,how is it in english again?oh yea breaking up...she is afraid of us breaking up."Nicole,hey,we are not,no why would we"i said calming her down and finishing my glass of vine."Now lets go to sleep it's probably like midnight"i said after looking at her for a while.She set an alarm for 6:30am for us to get ready to school and we went to bed."Bonne nuit mon petit ange" I said with sleepy voice as I've seen that Nicole was already dozing off like a little baby.I can see that I won't be able to wake up tomorrow after that vine,so I just layd there till my eyes started to close and I've slowly fallen asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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