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⠀⠀"Can you stop pissing me off?!" I blurted out, banging the door at his face. "I told you I'm not a loser."⠀
⠀⠀"Yes, you are Stephanie." he then moved his face to the window. "You cannot escape the ugly truth."

⠀⠀I twirled my hands, balled them into a fist and faced my worst day and nightmare - Harry Styles, the curly haired seventeen year old boy that had the most irritating face.

⠀⠀"Fine, I am a loser. You don't hang out with losers remember? Then, leave!" I shouted, causing him to place both of his hands on his ears.

⠀⠀He stopped talking. He just stood there and my face was heating up. If I could just fry something due to the extreme anger that was burning inside of me, it would undeniably be him.

⠀⠀I still have not forgiven him with the Seattle's Best incident, which happened to be my Seattle's Worst and yet, here he is - making my life severely horrendous than I expected.

⠀⠀"Why won't you give me your number?" Harry Styles asked out of nowhere. I gave him a puzzled look. There is no point of giving him my number. He might even use it as a blackmail for whatever he's planning.

⠀⠀"We're not friends, for your information." I exclaimed. I don't give my number to random stranger nor random neighbors even if he managed to look extremely harmless and a tad bit cute. Yes, Harry was cute, but at the same time grotesque because of his whorrrible (if there's such word) attitude.


⠀⠀It was four in the afternoon when Harry finally decided to stop. He did spent an hour waiting by the window. When my father came home, Harry disappeared in an instant, probably ran back to where he lived. I let out a sigh of relief.

⠀⠀"I think, I saw the son of neighbor outside. I assume you are friends already?" My dad gave me a wry smile the moment he reached our front porch, handing me a box of freshly-baked doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. This is what he would usually do whenever he comes home from the office - bribe me with desserts so I do not ask to him about work.

⠀⠀I pursed my lips, shook my head, and frowned in response.

⠀⠀"I don't like being friends with him." I frankly admitted. I knew he would get disappointed with me for not making friends but he had to realize that I was currently mending my heart due to a bad break - which for me, (unlike other girls) was getting a B- in Biology. It would definitely take time to heal.

⠀⠀He held a hand on his temple and shot me a worried look. "What's wrong?" I asked, suddenly curious and all.

⠀⠀"Steph, I have something to confess but promise me you wouldn't get mad."

⠀⠀I nodded, eager to find out what Dad had done wrong. I hope it's not something that will ruin our father and daughter relationship.

⠀⠀He took a deep breath before speaking. "I think, I might have given our neighbor's son your number."

⠀⠀Oh shit.

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