Chapter 2:The loss

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Pov Mark

What's that?..........(His car crashes into a tree due to inattention to the road and causes an accident)...........

Pov Danya

I wake up from the movements I feel under me. I thought it was the movements of giant worms moving and making noise near our town like every morning. But when I opened my eyes I saw something that I absolutely did not expect.....I was no longer in my room but in a ship.....more precisely in the travel ship. What exactly do I look for on a cruise ship? And how did we get here?

I quickly decided to get off the bunk bed I shared with my brother and see what was going on. I quickly went to the window in our room and saw that we were flying. Where are we going? What's going ?On I ask all sorts of questions in my head until I'm distracted by a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see my brother with the teddy bear in his hand. What a child! She's 15 and still sleeping with him.

Lucas: Dya? Why are we on the excursion spaceship?
Danya: I don't know. But I will find out.
Lucas: How?
Danya: I'm going to talk to mom. Stay here, change and take care of that bear. (She changes behind the curtain into a princess dress)
Lucas: What toy? (Throws the bear away from him) It's not mine!
Danya: As you say. (goes out the door)

I leave the room and walk down the halls of the ship until I reach the ship's command center. Where should mother be, as always when I go on this ship on vacations with her crew, but there was no one. I leave the control room and look in other rooms where she might be, but in vain.....I didn't manage to find her. Why is it always when I need to talk to her she is not there! Phew!!!... .Leave it alone! I will go back to my room. I'll find out later.....Wait! What's that? Is it mom? Where is she?
I start following my mother's voice until I reach the meeting room door which was ajar. I wanted to go in and talk to her, but I'd better talk later.But he is in a royal session
I start to leave, but a few words bring me back.

Miss Remata: Hero4589 weapon almost ready Blackfire?
Blackfire: Of course, Remata! I can't wait to implement the plan. Hahahaha!
Taunanbeel: Earthlings won't know what's hitting them!!
Blackfire: You are right Taunanbeel. They will all suffer soon! And there is no one to save them. Hahaha! Now who wants to eat something before putting the plan into action?
Ambassador Biamott: I thought you'd stop asking!

What?.....Without thinking or saying anything, I run to my room as fast as I can. When I get there, my brother looks at me and I look at him.

Danya: We have to go!

Pov Rachel/Raven's

I'm in the backyard, sitting on the swing, reading a book and enjoying my day off from work. Being a psychologist, mother, wife and hero at the same time is a pretty tough job. I definitely love what I do and I love my family very much, but sometimes you also need time with yourself to recharge your batteries. So in conclusion I relax!

*Suddenly the back door is heard opening*

Garfield: Rach!
Rachel: Gar, if you came to ask me where I am again........(Interrupted)
Garfield: We've got bigger problems! (He shows the phone with the news saying it's a serious situation
walking towards them)
Rachel: Call the kids and tell them to come home now!
Garfield: Now! (She goes to call her children)

Suddenly my phone rings. It's Dick/Nightwing.

Dick: Rachel! We have a crisis situation!
Rachel: We will come right away!

Pov Olivia

I was in science class when suddenly a message from the high school principal came over the loudspeakers.

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