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Yoongi signs out of his work computer and pushes his desk chair in

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Yoongi signs out of his work computer and pushes his desk chair in. He rubs at his strained and tired eyes underneath the frames of his silver rimmed glasses, a futile attempt to rid the effects of staring at a bright screen all day.

He bends down to grab his bag from the floor, almost starting to sling it across his body when he spots his corduroy jacket hanging off the back of his chair.

It was the first time he's needed to wear one this season, being able to get by with just a blazer or a thick sweater. It had been an exceptionally warm September in Seoul, but with October now rolling in it was time to bust out the autumn attire.

He pulls the coat on and buttons it up, now ready to put his messenger bag safely across his torso.

"I'm so jealous that you're getting your copy today. I should've pre-ordered mine at the bookstore too instead of online."

Yoongi looks across his desk to see Seo-yun, one of his coworkers and fellow inhabitants of their four person desk clump, peeking up at him from behind her monitor.

Seo-yun was a kind and comforting woman. She was old enough to be Yoongi's eomma, probably even a bit older. She had been working at the agency for over twenty years and was one of the first people to make Yoongi feel comfortable when he first started.

She was technically Yoongi's superior as he was still just an intern, having started working part time only a few months ago. Yoongi was in his last year at the local community college and was obtaining his bachelor's degree so he could work full time as a Child Protective Services Agent.

Seo-yun was your typical older lady, or so Yoongi thought, that was until he made a shocking discovery on his first day at work. They shared the same favorite authors. Erotic adult fiction authors to be more specific.

Kim Hwa-young wrote for every and any type of trope, pairing, or genre. They had this special ability to weave intricate storylines and create fascinating characters that the reader couldn't help but grow attached to. All while also including smut. Lots and lots of detailed smut.

Yoongi remembers entering the break room and feeling the ultimate shock of his life when his eyes fell to Seo-yun, sitting front and center with the latest book propped open for all to see. Two muscular and shirtless vampire men adorning the cover.

Yoongi had never so proudly displayed the types of books he read. Opting to use a fake book sleeve if he ever dared to try and read a physical copy in public. Or making sure his brightness was turned down completely and the screen turned away from prying eyes if reading on his phone.

But Seo-yun had no shame. Maybe it was due to her age, having lived longer and experienced much more than Yoongi that she no longer gave any mind to judgment. Or perhaps she was just a badass, having always been this way and not caring what people thought. Yoongi believed it was the latter.

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