10. The Grand Finale

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"I crumble

Crumble and fall

Crumble and fall like an animal
Yes I crumble
Crumble and fall
Crumble and fall like an animal"

Present Day:

This is it. I held my breath while walking into the building. One hand on my gun, the other ready to punch anything that moved.

Though being a sixty-five year old women did have it's drawbacks when it came to any type of physical activity.

I haven't spoken to Nick since that day. So many years ago. I wouldn't even know what to say besides business. Who killed my sister? Who killed my girlfriend? Because they're about to get what's coming to them and more.

I'm not going to shoot them in the chest. Or the head. Me and Josh are going to tie them up and shoot them in their legs. In their arms.

Let them slowly bleed to death.

They're going to regret ever laying a hand on the people I love. They're going to regret it. Until their very last breath, they're going to regret it.

"Ashley, it's been so long. May I?" Nick held out his arms for a hug, but I refused. I didn't want him to feel the gun in my back pocket. Something was telling me not to trust him.

"You're the one who cheated on me, you know. I should be the one backing away." His eyes met Josh.

"Josh" He nodded.

He walked completely outside of the door and exposed his lump of a right arm.

"Your arm." I said.

"Gunshot wound. Had to cut it off due to complications."

And then, after all these years, it suddenly hit me.

"You," I started, "Nick...

You were the one who took Bree."

"Please Ash, you can't still be mad about that. I told you, I tried to save her. I just couldn't. Now just give me the gun." He reached for it but I snatched it away.

"No you shot her. You fucking bastard you killed my best friend." I shoved him into a table and he started reaching for something to use as a weapon.

Josh shouted "Back up, Nick. Get your hands off of her."

"Alright, God. I was just trying to-" Suddenly he reached for his back pocket. But Josh pulled first.

He slowly raised his hands up in defeat and gave me a wink a smile.

"Of course I killed Bree. She was friends with you. And you were related to Akira."

"What the fuck do you have against my sister?" I practically screamed at him. "What did you do with my sister?"

"Nothing, except for the fact that she was a pretty thing. Boss likes pretty things to use in his... Nah I've said too much already, bitch. I'm not telling you no more."

Josh pushed the barrel of his gun against Nick's eye socket. "You better tell her, you sick fuck."

"Joshua. You fucking idiot. You won't shoot me. I've known you since you were a little kid. You're a fucking wimp."

He smirked and continued. "Akira owed the boss for something she couldn't repay. So we took her in and made her our slave. That's all I know. Now move before I-"

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