✧.*Cafe Meetup*⁠.⁠✧

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This is my first time writing so no hate, I also made their designs on gacha too! 😋

Bv: Bovia's perspective
CJ: Chiju's perspective
If it doesn't say BV or CJ it means it's a 3rd person perspective.

Bovia: 5'8 female dog with a colorful color scheme

Chiju: 5'5 male elf, with a dull color scheme including different shades of green and gray


I woke up early in the morning to the sounds of the beautiful chirping birds. Keep in mind the sun is rising at the moment.
"What a beautiful day!" I say enthusiastically. Which I wasn't wrong since the sun rising is the prettiest sight throughout the day! I got up to brush my teeth and wash myself. I normally take a short amount of time to get ready but... Today I'm hanging out with Chiju, and I want to look presentable!


Today will probably be the worst day ever. I'm supposed to get up and go to the cafe with Bovia. I mean I did agree to go with her, only because she said she knew a great way to get money other than being a water manipulation teacher. Honestly I don't like kids either, but that's what most people recommend I do. Enough with me rambling on, I have to get ready before Bovia blows up my phone with her text messages.


Ooooh! I'm so excited! I put on my skirt overalls and a shirt, preferably turquoise! I love different hues of blue! I also put on these earmuffs designed for creatures with symmetrical ears on the side of their heads. They honestly don't work for me but it's stylish! Since I'm done getting ready I must text Chiju, or else he'll be late to our meetup!


After I get ready I put on my usual sweater that I have multiples of, and sweatpants. Bovia did recently give me emerald colored, star hair-clips. I don't really think they look good but I've grown sort of attached to it. I put on my hair clips, basically completing the look. Right as I was about to pick up my phone, the annoying notifications went off. God I wish I kept it on silent. I check my phone to Bovia spamming me about the time and place. I text her back and start walking to the nearby Cafe.

Both Bovia and Chiju arrive at "Monna's coffee." Obviously Bovia made it there before him for some reason. Chiju sits across from Bovia at the 2 customer table.

"Hey Chi!" Bovia excitedly says, before greeting him with a hug.

"Hi." Chiju replies to the 5'8, taller woman smothering him with her hug.

"It's been some time since we last saw each other!"

"It's only been a week."
The female dog paused before speaking again.

"To me a week is very long!" Bovia said in a playfully sad tone.

"I'm only here cause you promised to tell me another way of making money, precisely saying it would make me rich in no time." The male elf stared up at her solemnly.

"No need to be rude, I know you're here to have fun! I have today entirely planned out!"
She looked down at him happily.

Chiju groaned and went along with it, knowing she doesn't have any intention of telling him a way to get rich. The waiter came up to both of them, and handed out their coffees. Bovia ordered a caramel latte with three shots of cream and sugar, while Chiju ordered a plain black coffee.

"Oh boo. You always get something so tasteless! Just like your attitude." The taller female teasingly states before taking a sip of her coffee.

"And you get something stupidly sweet to rot away the rest of your teeth." Chiju teases back.

"Hey! My teeth are perfectly fine, I brush them everyday!" Bovia scoffs.

"Or do you mean every other day?" He smirks, taking a swig of his coffee before feeling the bitter after effects of taking more than a sip at a time.

"Ughhh.. Well do you at least like your coffee?" She asks, changing the targeted subject.

"Yeah, this is just the stuff I needed in the morning." The smaller male replies.


"You're welcome! I also heard it was going to start getting hot soon, so how about we go to the zoo then to the beach?" She continued to take sips of her coffee while talking.

"Sounds nice." He commented. Chugging down the rest of the coffee.

Bovia paused at his actions and just stared at him.

"Did I do something wrong??"

"That should be illegal."

"What do you mean I thought most people drank coffee this way?"

"Nope. That's traumatizing, and vile." She exclaimed.

"You have no room to judge, rotting teeth." He shrugged

"For the last time my teeth aren't rotting! It's just really weird to do that!" The dog stated.

"In my opinion it isn't, what's weird is ordering stupidly sweet drinks as something to wake you up, you'll have a sugar crush." The elf explained.

They continued to ramble on about the correct way to drink coffee, everyone in the shop listening to their conversation. People just wondered why they were fighting over something so stupid. The elf and the dog continued on until they were asked to leave.

"Look what you did! That was my favorite place.." Bovia sadly slouches.

"So are we still doing the rest of the stuff or.??"

"OH! Yeah, we still have to go to the zoo!" She excitedly pulled him along to the bus stop.

"How long do we wait." Chiju demanded.

"5 minutes." Bovia looked down at Chiju, then patted his head.

"That's way too long."

"Says the person who said a week was short."


Thanks for reading this far!

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