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Throughout the duration of the car ride, we just talked about how our mornings had gone and what stores we planned on going to once we had arrived. Once we finally did arrive, I parked my car and got out, Annaka following closely behind. We walked towards the building together and that's when something caught my eye...a beautiful mural had been painted on the side of the mall. Annaka noticed how I froze to look at it and looked over to what I was staring at, a soft smile painting its way across her lips

"It's beautiful.." she murmured. I nodded in response. "It is..." we both took a second to admire it before the sound of her voice eventually snapped me out of my thoughts "Do you want me to take a photo of you infront of it? For..instagram purposes maybe?" She asked. Lord, she couldn't have been any more perfect. I turned to her and nodded vigorously, handing her my phone.

She took a few different shots before she was completely satisfied with how it had come out. I walked over to where she was standing and looked over her shoulder at the photo of me. It was the best photo anyone had ever taken of me. I gasped and smiled at her. "That's amazing, Annaka.." then, without even thinking I leaned up to kiss her cheek. A faint shade of pink hued her cheeks and I froze. "I'm sorry-" I began but she quickly cut me off "No, don't worry. I liked it." She responded. A little smile tugged at the very corners of my mouth as I then nodded

"Good to know.." the both of us then just stood there for a good minute, staring at each other before finally deciding to go inside. As we walked, our hands brushed up against each other's and you have no idea how much willpower it took me not to just grab her hand. "Alright, which store should we go to first?" Annaka asked me

I thought for a moment before responding "there's a cute little trinket shop not too far from here I think." She nodded her head before finally after a minute we arrived at our destination. We walked inside, scanning the shelves and racks. "This is so cute.." I murmured, holding a little octopus stuffed animal in my hands. I checked the price tag and my eyes widened "30 bucks?! Good lord.." Annaka chuckled softly "well, 30 dollars or not, if you really like it that much I'll just buy it for you."

My eyes widened "Annaka, I couldn't possibly ask you to-" she almost immediately cut me off "Hush." She said, holding her pointer finger to my lips. "Hand it over." She said in a faux, stern tone of voice. I sighed dramatically and handed it over to her "good job." She chucked as we then continued to look around a bit more. Towards the end of our visit to the trinket shop, Annaka found a rack with all different types of baseball caps. She scanned the rack before finding one that read 'ask me about my cat' and placing it on her head

"How do I look?" She chuckled. "Dazzling." I chuckled back in response and pulled out my phone, taking a photo of her wearing the hat. "Now, if you're gonna insist on buying me that octopus, you've gotta let me buy you that hat." I told her. She smiled softly and rolled her eyes playfully "deal."


We continued to look around the mall for a good 4 hours at clothes and other cute things before we decided it was time to leave. As we walked outside, I noticed how cold it had gotten. It was fall though so it was kind've a given that it'd be cold. "Jeez, it's freezing.." I murmured. Annaka looked over at me before slinging her arm over my shoulder and running her hand up and down my arm. At that moment, I wanted to jump off a cliff, in a good way though of course. "Better?" She asked, snapping me out of my trance. I nodded "much."

𝐈 𝐕 𝐘 - 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐭Where stories live. Discover now