CHAPTER ONE: "What!!!!!"

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   Avory and I had just returned Friday afternoon from school together after I received news that a parcel had been sent to me. I rushed back home owing to the fact I had no boyfriend, no money for online orders, and a knack for surprises.
"Did you open it?"
Asked Avory with a curious look.
"Nope" Ian replied.
I sat beside Avory who easily noticed the nervous look on my face. 
       I slowly open the parcel to  unveiled a file which had a letter. It had my admission into Melshore high academy, the prestigious School thought to be one of the best in America or rather the best 10 schools in the world which just happens to be my dream school and it actually has my name on it!!!!
I felt my heart skip a beat.

"What does it say, Mylah?
Are you listening?"
Ian takes the file from me and reads it out loud.
"This is to inform 16 year old Mylah
Nicholas... that she is now eligible for scholarship into the Prestigious Melshore high academy..... and has passed the shorlarship exam...."
   Ian and Avory were too shocked to keep their mouths shut.
"You passed the exam!!!"
"You're really going to Melshore high"
"Your dream come true"
"Mylah mom's gonna be Soo happy"
"I'll tell all our old friends"

I said holding in a little of what was in my mind.
"I really passed "

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