Chapter 4

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Zack's workshop was quiet, the only sound the soft hum of his tools. He worked on a new piece, a wooden box with intricate carvings. As he worked, he thought of Katherine, of the stories she used to tell, and the dreams she had.

He recently saw that she had a child. He thought about how happy she must be with her new family. The thought stung, but Zack pushed on, focusing on his craft.

As the night wore on, Zack put down his tools and walked outside. The stars shone bright overhead, and he felt small in the vastness of the universe. But in that moment, he knew he couldn't give up on Katherine, not yet. There was just something in his soul telling him not too. It didn't feel right. He knew he needed to have one last conversation with her. The buzz of his phone once again snapping him back to reality and his heart began to beat faster.

"It's your friend Ben! You idiot what did you think it was an admirer."

Here I was thinking it could be Katherine but it's just my idiot friend Ben. Ben was very playful and a jerk to most but also my best friend.

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