Chapter 1

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Well known - Chapter one

Vernette Svensson. A name hidden in the shadows. Even death itself fears her, a merciless killing machine. Who finds joy in killing.

Born in a world where mercilessly killing a random person on the street isn't normalized. She decided to turn to the battle grounds. In where death is not uncommon. She injoys the thrill of her kills, and the adrenaline of getting caught.

"I work alone." Her words.

She helps who she wants to. If she feels like it. But there was one thing, she stuck to the shadows as if she was bound to them.

There was one group she particularly liked. Task force 141. The special forces. She never really understood why but she also never questioned it. One member in particular; Simon Riley. Better know as Ghost caught her eye. He was skilled. He'd probably even matched her skill- if she was a human.


A void in her that was always somehow empty. That was only filled when she got a kill, even if just for a split second.

She always longed for a kill. A new victim. Just seeing the crimson liquid leak out of their body as they lay lifelessly on the ground.
Sure, it wasn't normal. But, she wasn't normal. Atleast in society's eyes she wasn't.

In the olden days...

Back when the world was at peace. When the humans, werewolves, vampires, meif'wa's, mermaids ect. Lived together in peace.

Everyone had their group. The humans had the most members. With around 6 billion members. Second was Werewolves and Vampires. Who were both similar in numbers, both coming close to 750 million members.

But there was one unnamed group. Who were called The shadows. They thrived in the shadows, a rare occurrence if you ever saw one. They weren't hostiles, not unless they were needed to be. They were powerful, very. But there was only around 400 of them. So the Humans and Vampires decided to team up and attack.

They won, as expected. It was official that none of the shadows were left. Actually, it was assumed.

Why did they want the shadows dead? Because they were too powerful. What if they decided to become hostile and attack randomly? They couldn't have that. So they set the first move.


Name: Venette Svensson
Patient: 00
Age: N/A
Year: 1997-2009
Height: 5'3
Weight: 36 kg
Species: N/A (possible a shadow)
Nationality: Swedish
Mr. (N/A) Mrs. (N/A)
Siblings: N/A
Other family: N/A
Strengths: hand-to-hand combat, hiding, sniping, manipulating
Weaknesses: working in teams (goes solo)
Allergies: N/A
Background: UNKNOWN

"Some memories never leave your bones. Like salt in the sea; they become a part of you."

"Lock her up." The cruel voice of the scientist was the only thing I heard. Everything began to blur as I was dragged away; to be locked up till I edged the last bit of sanity I had left. "NO PLEASE. I'LL BE GOOD. I'LL BE GOOD I SWEAR, PLEASE LET ME GO. I DON'T WANT TO GO THERE PLEASE." I don't remember much after that. Just that I let out the most unsettling, blood curtailing scream. I clung to the small cracks on the tiled floor as I was being dragged away. Red liquid dripping off of my fingers. Leaving a blood trail on the ground. Leaving to be cleaned by the janitors.

Everything officially became blurry when I was thrown into the bright lighted room. Hard. My head hit the hard walls of the room; rendering me unconscious. I woke up in a pool of my own blood. Surrounding my head like an island surrounded by water. I sat up, my head pounding as I stared as the divider. It was like a window, they watched me like a hawk. Like there was no tomorrow. Like I was some kind of toy. Oh how I wanted to rip their fucking heads off.

The scientist who sent me into this room stood on the otherside of the divider; a cruel, unregretful grin plastered on his face.

Why was I born this way? Why couldn't my bloodline have ended when the HVS war started? Why wasn't I born as a human? Was this a sort of punishment for what I did in my previous Life? Will I ever escape this hellhole?

They tortured me. Tortured me unless I was on my knees, begging death to take me away from this cruel word already. That didn't happen. Of fucking course not.

Everyone was fucked in the head in this place. Or maybe, maybe not everyone. There was one person that I liked. I assume she'd be like what most humans were like.

She was nice. Unlike the others.

But of course, just of course. She just had to be a doctor. The one position who didn't have a say in anything other than needed medicine and to treat our wounds. Even the guards held more power than the medical staff.

The patients were not the best either. They were either insane or entitled. "Do you know who the hell my father is?!" No. But I know your mother. She has a very nice pus-

Ahem. Out of the 400 patients only around 10 were 'normal' by normal I mean who aren't fucked in the head.


I was able to save 5 out of the 10. They died for the sake of us escaping. The chances were low, low enough to be zero. But it wasn't. We escaped, somehow but we did. Rest in peace to those who sacrificed themselves.


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