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 "Good day Yiseul!" Our landlord greeted as soon as she saw me. I got to admit, she was pretty kind and gentle towards her tenants, she was also understanding which is a good thing. She became a mother like figure to me ever since my mother passed way 3 years ago.

 "you too, Mrs. Shin" I greeted giving her a warm smile which she returned.

 "are you off to somewhere?" she asked as I nodded, I was planning on finding a job since I'm already starting to get short in cash since expenses nowadays are staring to get overboard and my monthly allowance from my scholarship can't afford it all. 

 "yes, I'm planning on finding a good job. Could you recommend me any Mrs. Shin, since everyone seemed to know who you are" I replied. 

 "well, does it involves physical touch?"I shook my head in response. 


 "okay, well there's a newly opened coffee shop at the near corner. You should check it out, I heard they're finding more waiters" I nodded at her statement mumbling thank you giving a small smile.As I opened the front door, a truck was seen. Well it looks like there's someone new moving in. Putting my hands inside my pocket as I continued to walk towards my destination. The new coffee shop. 


 "What do you mean, no physical contact?" The owner asked.I pursed my lips into a straight line as I tried constructing a good lie to defend my statement.

 "are you allergic to germs or something? Do you think people here are dirt-"

 "no sir!" I butted. 

 "then why?" He asked confused.What am I suppose to say?


 "forget it, since we don't have many workers your hired. You can work as a cashier to avoid physical contact. You can start tomorrow since we're opening the cafe tomorrow at 10am, don't be late on your first day, also you can wear a cream colored outfit I'll provide the rest""yes, thank you Mr. Kim"Finally, I have a job. 


 "Oh, they're still not finished? what took them so long?" I mumbled after seeing the truck still there with men carrying them inside.

 "that's a bunch of stuff. This person must be rich"I walked inside quietly not wanting to talk anymore.


 Night time. The sun had already fallen as the moon rose, the dark blue colored sky glittered with shimmering stars up above everything as darkness took over the place with silence and calmness. 

Yiseul once again went out as she walked towards the bench near the large tree which was her favorite spot to stay and relax. As she started nearing the bench, a silhouette was seen in the darkness sitting on her usual spot. She never saw anyone sit there at night since the large tree creep them out, yet here sat a person admiring the stars.

 Without warning, Yiseul sat beside him making sure there's enough space in between the two. She didn't dared to speak and just stared at the dark view with night lights in front of her. The sound of soft breathing and the cold wind rustling can be heard as small hit of mist forms leaving their lips as they breathe.

 "it's nice..."The voice was soft and gentle, which was also masculine and deep. A boy, sitting on her usual spot. Yiseul flicked her head towards the boy blinking three times as a little smile curved on her lips. 

 "it is, yet people are scared of the big tree"she responded. he replied with a hum nodding her head. 

 "they're stupid"

 "that's harsh" Yiseul giggled. 

 "You know, this is my usual place to relax" Yiseul didn't knew why she said that, it was supposed to be kept to herself. Her mouth was supposed to be shut, she was supposed to be isolated. Yet, why? why did she suddenly warmed up to him?why was she being talkative now?she's confused. 

 "I didn't knew, sorry" He says. 

 "why?" the girl asked once again blinking trice. 

 "I just moved here earlier, I didn't knew this place was already occupied by someone" He replied. 

 "Btw, my name's Yang Jungwon" Finally, he looked at her with a smile. His eyes glittering like the stars above. Yiseul swore she literally saw stars inside of those orbs. It was pretty.

 "you have pretty eyes" Yiseul says making the boy confused. 


 "Nothing, Yiseul. Lim Yiseul. It's getting late now, I should get going"She didn't let the boy reply to her, the girl just stood up and left silently her feet gentle against the ground. At some point, the boy somehow looked familiar to her, who was he really? where did she met him?she didn't know.yet, she knew. She saw him somewhere. somehow.

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