Chapter 13 The Relationship

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Tamizhini walked into her hostel room, her body still buzzing with the lingering warmth of her time with Prabhu. She kicked off her sandals by the door, set down her bag, and let out a long sigh.

It was good to be back, in the familiar space that somehow seemed more comfortable than ever after the whirlwind of emotions she'd experienced.

Grabbing her phone she quickly dropped a voice note to her mother informing about her arrival in hostel to keep them updated and out of worry. Putting her phone on charge, she moved through the room, she grabbed a towel and headed for the washroom, determined to wash off the dust and stress of the day.

The cool water felt refreshing as it cascaded down her skin, clearing her mind. Her thoughts drifted, as they often did, to Prabhu.

The small smile that played on her lips widened slightly as memories flickered like snapshots in her mind. She couldn't believe they had made it through four years—four long years of stolen moments, sneaky meetups, and countless late-night calls and chats. She had always known that their love was something special, but looking back, it amazed her just how much they had grown together.

After drying off and changing into a comfortable T-shirt and shorts, Tamizhini began to unpack her things. She sat on the edge of her bed, her hands moving absentmindedly as she folded clothes and placed them in neat piles. Her mind, however, wandered deeper into the past, recalling the beginning of their relationship.

She remembered the day they met vividly. It had been during an inter-college competition—something silly like a debate or cultural event. She hadn't paid him much attention at first, but somehow, their paths kept crossing and they kept bumping onto each other uring the whole event. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was just chance, but eventually, a conversation turned into something more.

Soon enough, they found themselves staying up late, talking about everything under the sun, discovering they were different in so many ways and yet oddly alike in all the ways that mattered.

She had fallen for him, deeply and irreversibly, during those moments of shared vulnerability.

A chuckle escaped her lips as she thought about the times when her temper would flare up, especially during her periods. Her mood swings had always been unpredictable, and in the heat of those moments, she would declare break up. And yet, Prabhu, calm as ever, would wait it out.He never took her dramatic breakups seriously, knowing she'd come around sooner or later. His patience was both infuriating and comforting at the same time.

Everything seemed under control for years—until that day.

The day when her world tilted sideways with the news of her sister's alliance getting fixed to Prabhu's brother. She had nearly laughed out loud at the absurdity of it all. What were the odds? It was like something straight out of one of those romantic dramas she'd roll her eyes at. But when the reality of the situation hit her, the laughter had quickly faded, replaced by an overwhelming sense of panic.

What if their families found out? What if everything blew up before either of them was ready for it?

She remembered Prabhu's response—calm, like always. "Let's go with the flow," he had said, gently reassuring her. "There's no need to rush into revealing anything." And he was right.

Neither of them was prepared for marriage. Tamizhini still had her MA to complete, and Prabhu had his own carreer to focus on.

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