♦ England, December 15th ♦

25 3 2

Spending two solid days wrapping presents. Someone please send me copious amounts of caffeine - @JessicaBond57

@JessicaBond57 We could send you some Red Bulls... - @redbullracing

@JessicaBond57 @redbullracing Monster is better - @MercedesAMGF1

@JessicaBond57 @redbullracing @MercedesAMGF1 Fight! Fight! Fight! - @WilliamsRacing



I let out a complaining groan as the sun rudely glares through the gaps between the curtains. An arm around my back tightens, pulling me into a warm body. I look up; Max smiles warmly at me.

"Hey." He mumbles, pulling me in tighter.

I shuffle, wincing as I try to bring my left arm over him. I've slept badly on it, I can already feel the dull, persistent ache. His right hand comes up to catch the shaking limb, bringing it to lay across his chest.

Last night wasn't easy. We were both subdued after that emotional moment, but the tense atmosphere has mostly evaporated now, it seems. His aqua eyes reflect calm, like the moment after a fast lap, where the focus shifts to cooling down the car. I shuffle again, so I can kiss him; his lips are dry - so are mine - and we don't care. There's no lust behind it, only a need for the intimacy that such a simple action brings.

When our lips part, I find myself smiling at him. Now his eyes have a glimmer of heat, of love.

"Morning." I practically chirp, only to wince again as I gently try to stretch my arms. It's a bad idea. Pain carves a path up to my neck; I can even briefly feel it along the left side of my tongue which is a scary sensation. The muscles in my neck are seizing up in protest, and I can't stop them, only let the pain subside on its own.

I shut my eyes as it becomes unbearable, gritting my teeth together uncomfortably. After a long moment, the pain begins to subside, returning to the dull ache it was before.

When I open my eyes, Max is staring at me with concern, one hand on my face, the arm that had been tightly wrapped around me is loose.

"I'm alright." I tell him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Happens sometimes. Never had it that bad, but... is what it is."

I could kick Esteban for putting that phrase in my head.

Max hums in thought, his left arm pulling me close again. "You should speak to a doctor about it."

"I know—" No. We agreed to talk. To try. I can't shut him out literally the morning after we made that promise to each other. "I don't want to hear bad news, is all. But I will if it gets worse."

"Jess..." His tone is borderline reprimanding. A brow raises as his eyes bear down on me.

"Alright! Alright. I'll get it sorted today." I grumble, tapping his chest in a half-hearted strop. "Arsehole."

I can hear the grin as he laughs at me. "Poor little katje."

What? Cat? My head tilts up as I frown, not entirely clear on what he's just said. He's never really used pet names - beyond what I think are the basic Dutch words for darling or something like that - and I'm sure that's what just he did, but I don't get why. Max's grin vanishes. He opens his mouth to speak but stumbles over his words before he can find what to say.

"If—I— Sorry, I just thought—"

"Did you call me a cat?"

"Kitten." He swallows, discomfort flashing across his eyes. "Because you drive for Jaguar and— and you're English and you have lions on your football team."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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