Alternative Ways Harry ended up in the Triwizard Tournament, Part 1

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Harry dropped his history essay at the top of the grand staircase. All 7 floors up. As Binns wouldn't notice anyway, he decided not to give a shit. Unfortunately for Harry, the goblet of fire was in the entrance hall nearby, and paper doesn't just fall straight down, it drifts.

Draco Malfoy and why you shouldn't aim spitballs at magical relics

A very drunk winky decided its Harry's fault that she was freed because it was his wand she was found with, and also thinks that entering him is why young master Barty was in the castle. Promptly forgets the entire episode.

Cedric is vaguely hopeful that if he puts Harry's name in with his own,  that his dad wont complain too much about the very famous child saviour that does impossible things every year, the _literal chosen one_  being chosen instead of him. It backfired _horribly_

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