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She was walking out of the office. Siobhan had just spoken to Marjorie and was making her way home. She was running late, so she rushed out in hopes that she'd be home on time, she knew if she weren't she'd get told off or something worse would happen and knowing Roger wasn't in the happiest mood, she was scared. 

As she continued to rush through the corridor to leave, she heard a voice, a very familiar voice.

"Hello, Hello." The voice spoke. Siobhan's heart filled with a sudden feel of warmth, happiness and her eyes lit up. Her worry faded away, and she slowly smiled. She could recognise that voice anywhere. She knew who it was. She couldn't be more happy. It was her.

"Hello, Vivian..." Vivian smiled back at Siobhan, "Well, well, well, this is certainly a surprise..." Viv gave Siobhan a knowing look. "The system went down, I had to fix it..." Vivian smirked. "Funny, it always seems to be down at the same time I come to drop off Jamie..."

Siobhan replied with a playful eye roll, smiling knowingly, there was also a slight rosy tint to her cheeks. "We can never predict when it'll work but we always know when the system will break." Vivian let out a chuckle, shaking her head in amusement. "course, anyway, I'm glad your here, I need to ask you something..." "And what's that?" Siobhan asked, furrowing her brows in slight confusion but also intrigued, she brought her hands from behind, bringing up and placing them on her hips.

"I was thinking..." Vivian started, her gaze slowly travelling down, "for our next coffee meet up, we could..." Viv paused, her gaze fixated on Siobhan's ring.

The smile on her face dropped. Siobhan noticed what Viv's eyes were fixated on, and her expression filled with anxiety. Vivian kissed her teeth, slowly bringing her gaze back up to Siobhan's face. "Nice ring...." 

Siobhan raised her hand looking at her ring in defeat. "About our next meeting, I'm going to have to cancel... congratulations." Vivian walked off.

"Viv..." Siobhan called out, her whole body slouching, she lost her,

Siobhan had tried to call Viv so many times, each time went to voicemail. She sent many messages, she'd leave her on opened, before one day, blocking her. 

Viv wanted to save Siobhan but she couldn't bring herself to do it, she knew if Siobhan got married to Roger, it would be more difficult. 

She un-enrolled Jamie from the nursery and moved houses, and city. She couldn't bare the idea of having Siobhan on her mind all day, every day. She knew if she was constantly thinking about Siobhan, she wouldn't be a great mum to Jamie.

The spy ended up telling Roger about Siobhan and Viv and from that day forward, Siobhan was no longer allowed out unless she had supervision.

The people at the nursery tried to free Siobhan, tried to take over the nursery, and tried to get the police involved, but Roger always threw money at them to get his own way.

They both lost each other.

Maybe it was Right person, wrong time.

Maybe they weren't meant for each other.

Maybe in another universe, it was them.

A/N: sorry not sorry...

If I have to suffer with this thought, then so do you xo

Apologies RLM, lots of love xxx

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