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Hi guys morrissave hear and this book is a massive thanks to my friends and family enjoy. This is a fiction

The silence after a gunfight is not deadly it is deathly because you know that when the ratatat of the machine gun echoes throughout the no man's field but soon this silence will be filled with the horrifying screams for help from whoever sent troupes over the wall of the trench.

All of us the platoon and I waited for the whistle to blow for us to go over. All of us in a stooper of fear, fear of the enemy fear of the mud that could swallow us whole like a giant monster sending us all to hell and the fear of the barbed wire that would tear our skins like a knife through butter.

"Wright men we are going over I want all of you to head straight into the enemy defences and take that trench" Our general shouted over the bombardment that was going on in the enemy trench.

Then the whistle rang out, sounding like a thousand men's screams. As we climbed many of us prayed to our gods to get us back safely from the front lines because we only had tonight left before we moved back a trench.

The weird thing is everything was silent which could be good or it could mean that they were all dead.

Suddenly a man screamed beside me as I saw him fall. It was a sniper and a bloody good one at that as he hit every shot that he took my friends were falling like toys as the bullets ripped through them like hot butter spreading their blood like a gruesome piece of art.

I jumped down onto the mud putting my arm right onto some discarded barbed wire which pierced my skin I almost screamed out in pain but if I did the sniper would know where I was. But if I stayed still, I would be swallowed whole.

I heard one more shot ring out and I heard a gurgling sound near me as one of my injured battalion friends bleeding from his throat. I thought it best that I didn't crawl over to him because it risked my life which I know is selfish but I would rather survive to continue their memory after the war.

It must have been hours since I last moved the only time I had to inch away was from some Germans coming to fix the barbed wire but they were so distracted by chatting and laughing that they did not notice me bleeding like a fountain.

It was now pitch black and there was no moon so there was no light from the moon. My eyes started to go hazy like a massive cloud had lowered itself over me I tried squinting to see my way back to the allies any of them. When I thought I had the right direction I started to crawl bearly going any faster than a snail's pace.

As I crawled, I looked for a weapon other than my combat knife that would be of no use against the German rifle

Not one sound was heard throughout my crawl, the sun began to rise like a massive light shining on the death and destruction of war. And it showed that I had bearly moved that far because of how slow I was moving.

Finally, I heard muffled voices coming from the distance but when I got closer I heard that it was German and not an allied country uniform. I climbed into their trench and made sure that I was not armed so they could not kill me by the law of the war,

As I got closer I kneeled with my hands in the Air in surrender then the German soldiers walked over and punched me on the jaw and made sure I was not armed. Then everything went fuzzy as they dragged me into a dark room, there I was met with a Horrifying sight pools of blood littered the room like a little river.

"Befehlshaber, Dieser soldat ergab sich was sollen wir mit ihm machen" The german soldier asked quite nervous by look on his face.

The commander turned around he had well-kept brown hair, and his eyes were brown and filled with evil. He also had a massive scar across his neck that looked like it was from a piece of shrapnel. And he was a beast of a man; he must have six foot six at least.

He trudged over to me with a limp and a vicious smile on his face which looked more like a sneer and then surprisingly spoke quite good English.

"Are you English because they take a lot to break they all do but the English take the most "He said while picking up some tools from the table the soldier had rolled in front of me.

What tool he picked up was a truncheon which he swung at my knees as it hit I felt the searing pain shoot up and down my body but I refused to scream.

"Have the Allies have any secret plans?" He asked with a heavy German Accent which I had just picked up on then whack as the truncheon this time to my already injured arm which made blood spatter all over the bat the pain that I experienced from this was nearly unbearable but I managed to spit out.

"I am only a private I would know fuck all about secret plans," I said spitting into his face. Which earned me another whack to the face this time it hit with a sickening crunch as it broke my nose.

"I'll ask again do you know of any secret plans" He asked picking up a knife and placing the tip of it to my left eye.

I looked calm but on the inside, I was scared shitles I left my parents at home who I said I would come back to when it was over. Christmas and we argued with me going they said I would die but I did not believe them 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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