Chapter 12

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My Angel looked so peaceful in her sleep...she always did....each and every night her dreams were a mystery to me, but they were a mystery I craved to have knowledge of.

As she slept on the sofa, her dark hair sat just perfectly, and her lips opened a bit, just as they always had.

Oh how I craved to eat those lips...

As she stirred, I couldn't help but hold my breath.

If she woke up and saw me...she'd lose her mind...even if it was just from shock. My beautiful Angel enjoyed me otherwise.

Everything within me wanted to eat her steal her away and make her mine once and for all...

I knew things about her she didn't tell anyone...not even that damn, for instance, she was still a virgin. As pure and clean as the sun shine, my Angel gave it to No one...not that she could've, because I've had my eye on her for too long. Any guy who dared show interest in her...well I ran him off, one way or another.

I bribed some, bullied others, and well, there was maybe one or two that I placed some pain on.

For my Angel, I'd do anything, and to make her mine forever, I'd do everything.

"Angelina?" Someone called. "Angelina?" They called again, "wake up." My tired eyes peeled open.

"What time is it?" I cooed, half asleep.

"Time to go home," JJ whispered. "I'm sorry my meeting ran long." He reached down and lifted me with ease. "Put your arms around me," he spoke lowly.

I did as he said and he carried me down to the car. He easily put me inside and buckled me up before he got in.

"Stella's gonna be so mad," I yawned.

"Leave her to me," I heard his smirk as he pulled out of the parking garage.

I fell back asleep as he drove, but when I woke up again, JJ was carrying me into the apartment complex.

"Wait," I stopped him.

"Oh, you're awake." He froze.

"Put me down," I yanked his jacket a bit. "I can walk."

He grunted a bit, but put me down on my feet.

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

"Of course," he smiled back as I started to climb the stairs.

I was surprised he didn't try to follow me, but I was so tired I didn't care. I yawned as I reached the landing of our apartment. Before I could even turn the key in the door, the damn thing was yanked open.

There stood a fuming Stella.

"Where have you been?" She panicked. "I was worried sick about you!"

"Oh," I yawned again, "I was at the library and just lost track of time...ended up falling asleep." I lied as I brushed past her and pushed my door open.

"The library?" She raised an eyebrow. "Amanda said some guy picked you up." She grunted.

"I don't know what she was talking about." I shrugged as I turned on my light.

"Rosie!"' Stella whined. "Is this about the other night??" She lowered her voice, which indicated that John was somewhere.

"What are you talking about?" I ignored the fact that I indeed knew what she was talking about.

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