A door Ajar

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Episode 10
The scene unfolded in a bustling restaurant, where four friends in their early 30s gathered, surrounded by laughter and camaraderie.They engaged in a lively conversation, with one of them, Damien, speaking up. "So, Ethan, you're telling us that a young woman has been following you everywhere, preaching about Christ?" Damien's tone was playful, with a hint of mockery, his strong features and confident demeanor commanding attention. As the owner of a successful gym, he exuded an air of wealth and authority.Nickolas, the CEO of Provita Equipment, chimed in, his deep voice and intimidating height making him a magnet for attention. "Ha! I always knew your aversion to church would land you in a whole lot of trouble, Ethan. You're in for a wild ride now!" He took a sip of his drink, his pretty face creasing into a teasing smile.Damien turned to Julian, who was quietly sipping his drink. "Ah, poor Julian, soon to be leaving the bachelor's club. How's it feel to be abandoning us for married life?"Nickolas joined in, "Yeah, Julian, you're basically dead to us now. May as well be wearing a 'Property of Rachel' t-shirt."Julian rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Hey, I'm still here, guys. Don't write me off just yet."Damien grinned mischievously. "And Ethan, you're next in line for the chopping block. Mark my words, that clingy church girl will have you wearing a 'Property of Jesus' t-shirt in no time."Nickolas chuckled. "Yeah, Ethan, you're basically a goner. We should start a betting pool on how long it takes you to fall."Ethan shook his head, laughing. "You guys are ridiculous. I'm not going down without a fight."The group erupted into laughter, their banter and teasing filling the air.As the night wore on, the friends continued to joke and tease each other, enjoying each other's company. Despite their playful jabs, they knew their friendship was unbreakable.Julian smiled, looking forward to his upcoming wedding. "You guys can mock me all you want, but I'm happy to be starting this new chapter with Rachel."Damien, Nickolas, and Ethan exchanged a look, their grins faltering for a moment. They knew that their friend was growing up, and soon they would be the last three bachelors standing.Damien spoke up, "Well, it's officially down to us three now. Let's make a pact to keep the bachelor's club alive and thriving."Nickolas and Ethan cheered, clinking their glasses together. "To the last three standing!" they toasted.As they laughed and drank, the night wore on, filled with camaraderie and the promise of many more adventures together.

As they laughed and drank, the night wore on, filled with camaraderie and the promise of many more adventures together

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Since it was a weekend, Bethel's eyes were glued to the television, absorbed in the intense scene from the movie "No Way". He was oblivious to his surroundings, talking to himself, and seemingly enjoying the drama. That was until his sister Martha's attention snapped him back to reality."Bethel said to Martha with a grin, 'Wow, you've been consistently crushing your workouts... I'm starting to think you're allergic to rest days!"Martha, dressed in her gym attire, shot back, "Enough with the silly comments, I'm off to work out."Bethel's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with sarcasm, "Hmm, you actually want to keep it this way, right? Keeping secrets from your own kid bro?" He gave her a piercing stare, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.Martha knew that once Bethel became curious, nothing could quench his thirst for knowledge. "You know what, I'm already late. Maybe once I get back, I'll tell you all about it, since your big mouth can't shut up," she said, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance.As she placed her hand in her pocket, she realized she had forgotten her car keys in her room. She zoomed out of the living room, leaving Bethel behind.Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking the silence. Bethel got up to answer it, revealing Daniel, who was dressed in a crisp white shirt and shorts, holding a bouquet of flowers. His bright smile faltered for a moment as he took in Bethel's scrutinizing gaze."Good morning, Bethel," Daniel said, his voice cheerful."Morning, isn't it too early to come over?" Bethel asked, his tone laced with skepticism, eyeing the flowers in Daniel's hand.Daniel chuckled, "Can you at least let me in before the interrogation?" He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.Bethel stepped aside, allowing Daniel to enter. The living room, once filled with the sound of the TV, now felt dull and silent. Daniel's eyes scanned the room, taking in the familiar surroundings."The house seems dull, where is everyone?" Daniel asked, his voice tinged with concern.Bethel raised an eyebrow, his hands on his hips, "Look who's asking questions now. What are you doing here?"Daniel's smile faltered for a moment, but he recovered quickly, "So I can't know how my in-laws are doing?"Bethel corrected him, "Soon-to-be in-laws, Daniel." The air was thick with tension, the silence that followed speaking volumes.Daniel wondered to himself, "Why is Bethel being so hostile? Have I done something to offend him?" He had never been on bad terms with Bethel before, and this sudden change in behavior left him perplexed.Martha asked, "bethel did you in any way see my car key?" But she didn't finish the question when she saw Daniel standing in her living room, holding a bouquet of flowers. The sweet scent of roses and lilies filled the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the kitchen.Daniel turned to her and said, "Hi, baby, good morning!" His voice was cheerful, but Martha detected a hint of nervousness. She winced at the term "baby" - she had always disliked it when Daniel used it. He handed her the flowers, and she took them, inhaling deeply as the soft petals brushed against her skin. "Thanks, but what's the occasion?" she asked, confusion etched on her face."Can't I surprise my beautiful fiancée with flowers?" Daniel smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Bethel, sitting on the couch, snorted, "How original, Daniel." Mrs. Vivian shushed him from behind, "Bethel, let them have their moment." The soft hum of the TV in the background seemed to fade into the tension.Daniel greeted Martha's mom, who giggled at the scene, her eyes sparkling with excitement.Martha's eyes narrowed slightly as she asked, "What brings you here, Daniel?" knowing her mom wouldn't stop talking. Daniel replied, "I'm taking Martha to a special place." Mrs. Vivian squealed, thrilled, her voice rising above the gentle chatter.Bethel chimed in, "Oh, wow, a special place? How mysterious." His tone was laced with sarcasm, making Martha feel a bit annoyed. She thought, "Why is Daniel being so clingy? And what's with the flowers?"Daniel cuddled Martha close, saying, "We'll head out now." Martha felt a shiver run down her spine as she thought, "This sudden clinginess is unsettling." She had been planning to meet the Hater , but now Daniel was changing her plans. The soft fabric of her canvas gym pants seemed to chafe against her skin as she felt trapped."What's the plan?" she wondered, feeling a bit unsure and trapped. Daniel's grip on her arm seemed a bit too tight.Mrs. Vivian offered, "Danny, sit down. I'll get some juice before you leave." Daniel declined, saying, "Baby, go change. I'm waiting." Martha looked down at her gym clothes, feeling a pang of disappointment and frustration. She thought, "Why can't I just go to the workout like I planned?"Bethel rolled his eyes, thinking Daniel's behavior was becoming increasingly controlling. The text on his phone came to mind, and he felt he needed answers. He wondered, "What's going on with Daniel? And what's Martha really thinking?"Martha stepped away, her mind racing with doubts. The soft creak of the floorboards beneath her canvas shoes seemed to echo her unease as she headed to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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