The truth: Seonghwa

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Things can go south real quick sometimes, without you even realizing it. Like, one moment, no one can stop you from shining bright like the sun. But a second later all the gray clouds can find their position above your head. The unexplainable amazing emotion you had felt suddenly finds itself on the cold hard rock bottom, and all you can do is just watch it happening.

Just watch...


What the hell am I watching right now?

For a moment I'm wondering if my mind is playing tricks on me, or if this is a sick joke. The more I think about it, the harder it gets to breathe. It's like the hands of the person I trusted my whole life on just a minute ago, just a minute ago, is choking me.

This is killing me...


Just why...?

I must've zoned out for a while when I heard a voice calling my name


I looked up, my eyes red and wet, finally realizing that their business was done.

And I was done too.

"Y/N, wait!" She screamed shamelessly.

The audacity?

What the fuck?!

I turned around furiously.

"What?! Wait what?!" I screamed, totally losing it.

"I can explain, please... just don't leave..." She answered, tears escaping her eyes too.

"Oh, really? I'm super curious right now. What is your ultra pro explanation, hm?!" At this point, I was just ugly crying. I wanted to have control over my emotions, but they took over me instead.

She stared into my eyes and took a hold of my hands.

"Y/N... I know, I should've told you sooner, but I was so scared of your reaction-" I didnt let her finish before snatching my hands from hers.

"Scared of my reaction?! Do you know how pathetic I feel right now?! I literally..." I trailed off and just felt sorry for myself.

Then an unexpected laugh came out of my mouth and I continued.

"I was seriously crushing on a guy who is your boyfriend?!"

She stood there speechless, knowing that everything I said was no way near a lie.

It was the truth

There was no denial when I even heard the I love you's.

But really. What was I expecting? That the school's most popular guy would notice me somehow? I'm so dumb.

Park Seonghwa. Probably one of the nicest guys out there. I'm sure half of the students were dreaming about him, and I was no different. I would try to see him at least once everyday. Creepy, I know. But who wouldn't?

When I first told her that I had taken an interest in Seonghwa, she was more than happy about it, being all supportive. So, I started ranting about my undying love for him.

Every. Single. Day.

However, as time passed, I noticed her acting weird whenever he was brought up to the conversation. Choosing to ignore everything, reasoning that I was the one thinking weirdly, I just continued with my fantasies containing rainbows and unicorns.

How stupid could one get?

"Y/N, the last thing I want is to lose you..." She continued after a long silence. Her tears were still present. Me on the other hand just ran out of them.

I looked up at the sky. The sad, gray clouds were nearing. It was gonna rain.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. It felt as if I finally got some fresh air.

Getting my vision back after a few seconds, I stared at her again.

"I think I need some time.. to think"

This isn't a fairy tale. Nor a book or a movie. The reality always slaps hard.

She was his, he was hers.

And walking away seemed like the only option

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