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We then headed to our first class, which brought together Gryffindor and Slytherin houses. The atmosphere in the classroom was somewhat tense, as there was a clear tension between the students of both houses. Despite the end of the war, the old rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin was still present, albeit less intense than before.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat in the middle of the row, surrounded by their Gryffindor friends. It wasn’t long before they noticed Draco Malfoy entering the room with Blaise Zabini and a number of other Slytherin students. They sat on the opposite side of the room, and it was clear that each group preferred to keep a distance from the other.

Professor Snape, who had returned to teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, began the lesson with a calm but sharp tone as usual, saying, “This year will be different. We won’t just focus on basic spells and defenses. We’ll also review the lessons we learned from the war, so we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.”

The atmosphere in the class was tense, and everyone watched cautiously, especially when it came to the interaction between Harry and Draco. However, no confrontation occurred between them at first. Despite the heavy past between them, it seemed both were trying to avoid trouble.

As the lesson continued, the students were given the opportunity to work in small groups. It was clear that most of the Gryffindor students chose to work with their peers, and the same went for the Slytherin students. However, there was a clear dissonance against Draco and Blaise, which led Professor Snape to intervene, directing her instructions in a way that forced Harry and Draco to work together.

The group initially consisted of Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Draco only, but after Blaise insisted on joining, they became five.

As the group began working on the task, the tension between Ron and Draco slowly escalated. It seemed that every comment from one of them was like a spark that increased the tension. Ron couldn’t fully contain his emotions, and he frequently shot sharp looks at Draco. Draco, in turn, dealt with the situation with deliberate coldness, but he couldn’t hide the tone of challenge in his voice whenever he spoke.

As the group worked on the task, Ron began to lose his patience. He said sharply, “If you keep acting like this, we won’t get anything done.”

Draco replied in the same tone, without hesitation, “No one is forcing you to work with me. If you think you can do everything yourself, then go ahead.”

At that moment, Blaise stepped in to defend Draco. He said calmly but firmly, “Enough. We’re here to work on the task, not to settle old scores. If anyone can’t handle the situation, they can leave.”

Hermione, who had been closely observing the situation, tried to calm things down. She said in a quiet voice, “We won’t solve anything this way. We’re here to learn, so let’s focus on the task and set personal matters aside.”

But Ron didn’t give up easily and continued arguing. “And how do you expect me to set personal matters aside? You know very well what he and his family have done.”

As tensions between Ron and Draco increased, it seemed that the verbal conflict was about to escalate into something bigger. Draco took a step back, his expression frowning as he shot a sharp look at Ron. “I don’t think you want to make things more difficult than they already are, Weasley.”

Ron responded angrily, “Oh, believe me, I have no problem with that.”

Before the situation could worsen, Blaise took a step toward Ron, which only added to the tension. “Look, we’re here to learn, not to create chaos. Draco doesn’t need to defend himself anymore, and we don’t need to stir up more trouble.”

But Ron, who was at the peak of his anger, didn’t listen. “You’re defending your friend as if you didn’t see what he did in the past. All this hypocrisy!”

Harry, who was trying hard to keep things under control, grabbed Ron’s arm, trying to calm him down. “Ron, let it go. This isn’t the time or place.”

But Ron pulled his arm away angrily and said, “No, Harry! It’s time to confront them with what they deserve.”

At this point, Hermione intervened more firmly, placing herself between Ron and Draco. “Stop this, everyone! We don’t need this conflict now. Things need to be resolved calmly. Enough, Ron, and Draco too!”

But it seemed that things were heading toward an actual confrontation. Ron began to move toward Draco, threateningly, and Draco, who was backing away slowly, began to pull out his wand while still retreating as Ron advanced toward him angrily. Before either of them could act, Harry quickly intervened, placing his hand on Draco’s wand, while Hermione stood firmly in Ron’s way.

But the tension was too high to be easily contained. Things began to spiral out of control. Suddenly, at a critical moment, wands were about to be raised.

But before anyone could move further, the classroom doors burst open violently, and Professor Snape entered. She shouted loudly and clearly, her voice filled with anger, “Enough! Stop immediately!”

Everyone froze in place as Professor Snape stood at the door with a stern, sharp look. “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my class! If any group of you cannot work together peacefully, I will have to take severe action.”

She looked at Harry, Ron, Draco, Blaise, and Hermione with a cold expression. “You will all stay after class for detention. You have plenty of time to reflect on your behavior and how to work together as a team.”

A moment of heavy silence filled the room, and no one dared to speak. Then, Professor Snape turned her back on everyone and returned to her desk, announcing sternly, “Continue your work now, without any more chaos.”

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