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After Ron, Harry, and Hermione went to their rooms, they gathered in Harry's room to discuss what had happened. The atmosphere was tense, and their discussion was heated.

Ron, folding his arms across his chest, said, "Why should we worry about Draco Malfoy? It was clear he was manipulating us. Maybe he was just trying to get attention or even deliberately showing those scars to make us think there was a bigger problem."

Harry, sitting on the bed, tried to calm him down: "But what we saw was real. There was no reason for him to fake the pain. And how do you explain the scars on his arm?"

Hermione, placing her hand on her forehead, replied: "I also saw the scars. It seems the situation is more complicated than we expected. But we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. There might be another reason for those scars, or maybe he's just a victim."

Ron interrupted sharply: "A victim? Have you forgotten how much he tormented us all? Don’t you remember his actions during the war? He was part of the wrong side. How can we trust him now?"

Harry responded, "Despite what happened in the past, we need to remember that things change. Besides, he helped us in the end. If there's a real problem, there might be other factors at play. We don’t know everything he’s been through since the war."

Hermione, thinking deeply, said: "Yes, that's true. But we need to be cautious. We can't ignore what we see, and at the same time, we shouldn't rush to judgment. If there's a greater threat, we need to verify it before taking any steps."

Ron, looking determined, insisted: "But we need to be vigilant. If Draco Malfoy is trying to deceive us or if he's involved in something more dangerous, we need to be sure of it. We can't afford to trust him easily."

Harry, observing his friends' reactions, said: "I agree that caution is important, but we also need to be objective. If there's a bigger problem, the best thing we can do is to offer help and check the facts rather than jumping to accusations."

The discussion among the three was intense until Hermione said, "I need to go now before the girls' dormitory closes for the night. We can continue the discussion tomorrow."

After Hermione left, Ron and Harry remained in the room, deciding to let the matter rest until the next day. Meanwhile, all the professors, including Professor McGonagall, gathered in front of the hospital wing where Draco was lying.

When Madam Pomfrey emerged from the room, the professors gathered around her with concern. She caught their attention with her serious tone: "There is a powerful magical curse surrounding Draco Malfoy. I can confirm that whoever did this is not weak but very powerful and well-hidden."

The professors exchanged worried glances. Madam Pomfrey appeared anxious, and her words were causing significant concern. It was not yet clear how serious the situation was, but the language she used was raising significant fears.

She continued, "This curse affects Draco's powers and causes him severe pain. It could be very dangerous if we can’t lift it in time. I can’t determine all the details of the curse without further examination, but it is clear that the person who did this intended to inflict great harm."

She added, "It seems they aimed to harm everyone. I can say that they intended to kill Draco but kept him under control with this curse to ensure their complete dominance."

McGonagall turned to the professors and said seriously, "It seems we are facing a greater threat than we initially thought. This curse indicates a danger surrounding all of us, not just Draco. We need to be cautious and try to identify who is behind this attack as soon as possible."

Pomfrey added, "I need additional time to study the curse and attempt to lift it. I will stay here and monitor Draco’s condition closely, but please be prepared for any developments."

McGonagall said before everyone dispersed, "This news cannot spread. Keep it among us. There is no need to alarm the others, including Draco. Tell him that it’s just something minor, and he can return to his regular routine."

As the professors dispersed to continue their tasks, there was a seventh-year student named Timothy, who happened to be passing by the hospital wing where the discussion was taking place. Timothy was curious by nature and stood behind the door, listening to what was going on inside.

As the professors spoke, Timothy grew increasingly frightened and panicked. He didn’t understand all the details completely, but phrases like "powerful magical curse" and "danger surrounding all of us" made him anxious. The mention of someone intending to harm everyone and the curse keeping Draco under complete control was enough to terrify him.

When Timothy heard McGonagall order that the news not be spread among the students, his fears intensified. He thought about the severity of the situation and became afraid that he himself might be in danger. The scenes he had heard seemed like something out of a nightmare, and he felt tremendous pressure as he didn’t know what to do with the information.

Timothy felt his heart racing and was trying to escape the place in a state of panic and fear.

By the next morning, it was time for breakfast in the Great Hall. Students were having their meals in a normal atmosphere, while Ron, Harry, and Hermione were sitting together, eating in a tense silence. They had little new information about Draco Malfoy’s condition and exchanged worried looks.

Draco entered the Great Hall, appearing to have returned to his daily routine. There were no obvious signs of pain or tension, and he was behaving normally, just as he had before the incident. It seemed that his condition had improved, which made Ron more suspicious.

Ron, glaring at Draco, said, "Look at him, he acts like nothing happened. Does he think we’ll believe him? He seems like he’s pretending for sympathy; he’s a really good actor."

Harry, trying to be more objective, replied, "Maybe his condition has genuinely improved. It’s not always easy to tell if someone is pretending, especially when it comes to magic and curses. Also, being a good actor doesn’t necessarily mean he’s faking it."

Hermione, observing the situation closely, added, "There could be another explanation. If the curse has weakened or its effects have diminished, that could be why he seems to be back to normal. But we should still be cautious."

As they were talking, Timothy entered the Great Hall, looking extremely nervous and agitated. Unable to stay silent, he rushed toward Draco, who was sitting calmly at his place. With trembling hands, Timothy grabbed Draco’s hand forcefully, causing Draco to show an expression of pain from the sudden touch. Timothy screamed loudly, attracting the attention of everyone in the Great Hall.

Timothy shouted, "He’s not okay! Something dangerous is happening! I heard them talking about a powerful magical curse! We need to be careful! There’s a big danger!"

The students panicked at the scream, and whispers rose in the hall. Everyone looked at Draco with concern, and some started questioning what was really happening. The situation became chaotic, and students felt frightened by the possibilities Timothy had mentioned.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron rushed to the scene near the Slytherin table in an attempt to control the situation. Harry tried to calm Timothy, placing his hand on his shoulder: "Timothy, calm down. We need to calm everyone and avoid spreading panic. Let’s talk quietly."

Hermione, placing a hand on her forehead, said, "Please calm down. You can tell us what you heard in a calm manner. We shouldn’t cause a commotion in the hall."

As the students slowly began to calm down, the professors arrived quickly in the Great Hall after hearing the scream. McGonagall was leading them, her face showing deep concern. When she saw the chaos, she approached Timothy and Draco, trying to calm the situation.

She said in a calm but firm voice: "Timothy, I need you to explain clearly what you heard."

She turned to Draco first, who looked pained and confused: "Draco, are you alright?"

Draco, who was in pain, replied in a weak voice: "Nothing new has happened, Professor McGonagall. Timothy is acting out of concern. I’m fine."

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