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Raven Harper had always been a dreamer, but dreams of love? Those were long abandoned in the name of practicality. As an event planner, she saw every version of "happily ever after," but her personal philosophy leaned more towards independence and hard work than waiting for some fairytale romance.

At 29, she was one of the top event planners in the city, a far cry from the small-town girl who had arrived with little more than ambition and a few dollars to her name. Harper Events was her baby, and she'd built it from scratch. She poured her heart into her work, crafting perfect moments for her clients, even if her own life lacked such moments.

But now, her world was about to be turned upside down in a way she hadn't seen coming. It all started with a phone call from her mother.

"Raven," her mother had said, her voice unusually upbeat. "There's something we need to talk about. It's... big."

Raven had been too busy arranging the guest list for an upcoming gala to think much of it at the time. But now, sitting across from her parents in their lavish home, the words her mother had uttered felt like a punch to the gut.

"An arranged marriage?" Raven asked, blinking in disbelief.

Her father, always the stern businessman, nodded. "Yes. It's a mutually beneficial agreement between our family and the Griffins. Their real estate empire needs someone to handle their expansion into luxury events and high-end property showcases, and you are the perfect fit. In return, our business will benefit from their resources and connections."

Raven's heart sank. The Griffins. She'd heard of Dominic Griffin, the billionaire CEO of Griffin Group. He was cold, ruthless, and famously detached. She'd seen his face in magazines, heard whispers of his shrewd business deals. The thought of being tied to someone like him sent shivers down her spine.

"This is ridiculous," Raven protested. "I'm not some pawn in a business deal!"

Her mother's tone softened, though it was clear she shared her husband's stance. "Raven, darling, this is about securing the future for both of our families. You're not just doing this for us, you're doing it for yourself. Imagine the opportunities it could bring."

Raven wanted to scream. She wasn't some corporate puppet to be married off for convenience. But there was a certain gravity in the room she couldn't ignore. Their family business had been struggling for years, and this alliance with the Griffins was a lifeline.

Still, the idea of being engaged to someone she had never met, someone she knew she would loathe, felt like a nightmare. But before she could voice another objection, her father's firm tone cut through her thoughts.

"You'll meet him tomorrow," he said. "And I expect you to be on your best behavior."


The last thing Dominic Griffin wanted was an arranged marriage. Yet, here he was, sitting in his family's mansion, waiting for Raven Harper to arrive. He didn't like being backed into a corner, but his parents had been insistent. The alliance with the Harper family would strengthen Griffin Group's expansion into the luxury market, and in return, Harper Events would flourish under their umbrella.

He couldn't care less about the intricacies of social events. What he did care about was maintaining his empire, and if that meant playing nice with some uptight event planner, so be it.

Dominic was used to getting what he wanted, and marriage was never on his agenda. Especially not with someone he had never met. But this wasn't about love or affection—it was a business arrangement, pure and simple. He'd do his part, and Raven would do hers.

When the door opened and Raven walked in, Dominic's cold blue eyes locked on her immediately. She was stunning—there was no denying that. Tall, elegant, with dark hair pulled back in a sophisticated style and eyes that sparkled with defiance. But her appearance didn't soften the tension that filled the room.

Raven felt the full force of his gaze as she approached the table where he sat. She had been dreading this meeting, and now that she was here, facing the man she was supposed to marry, it felt even worse than she'd imagined.

"Dominic," she greeted with a tight smile, extending her hand.

"Ms. Harper," he said, barely glancing at her hand before shaking it. His touch was cold, impersonal, just as she expected.

They sat down, and the silence between them stretched uncomfortably. Dominic was the first to break it, his tone clipped and formal. "Let's make one thing clear. I'm not thrilled about this arrangement, and I doubt you are either."

Raven raised an eyebrow, a spark of defiance in her eyes. "You don't say."

Dominic's jaw tightened. "This is purely a business transaction. We will go through the motions, satisfy our families, and once everything is settled, we'll go our separate ways. No need to pretend this is anything more than what it is."

Raven bristled at his arrogance. He might have been a billionaire, but she wasn't about to be treated like a business asset. "You don't have to worry about me pretending, Mr. Griffin. Trust me, this arrangement isn't something I'm looking forward to either."

There was a beat of silence, and Raven could feel the tension rising between them. She wasn't sure if she wanted to slap him or walk out altogether. But for the sake of her family, she stayed.

Dominic's cold gaze lingered on her for a moment before he nodded curtly. "Good. As long as we're on the same page."

But they weren't. Raven could already tell that living under the same roof as this arrogant, brooding man was going to be a challenge. She was light to his dark, sunshine to his storm, and the thought of spending even a moment more with him than necessary made her skin crawl.

Yet, despite her resistance, she knew she had no choice. Family obligations loomed large over them both, and the engagement was non-negotiable.

As she stood to leave, Dominic's voice cut through the silence once more.

"You'll move into my house tomorrow. I assume that won't be a problem."Raven clenched her teeth but forced a smile. "Not at all."

With that, she walked out of the room, her heart pounding in her chest. This was only the beginning, and already, she could feel the storm brewing between them.

hey everyone,

I'm beyond excited to share my debut novel with you!

Writing this book has been an incredible journey, filled with passion, challenges, and a lot of heart. I poured my love for storytelling into these pages, and I truly hope it brings you as much joy and excitement as it brought me while writing it. This is just the beginning, and I can't wait to share this world and its characters with you. Thank you for joining me on this adventure—let's dive in together!

- anushka.

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