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Raven settled into the plush leather seat of Dominic Griffin's sleek black car, feeling the luxurious emerald fabric of her gown hug her body. The gown, with its deep, rich color and intricate beadwork, felt both stunning and slightly cumbersome as she fidgeted with it, trying to find a comfortable position. The car's interior was opulent, a stark contrast to her uneasy state.

Dominic, dressed casually in black joggers and a white t-shirt, closed his door with a decisive thud. The casual attire seemed at odds with the elegance of the evening, but it only highlighted Dominic's nonchalant demeanor. As he slid into the driver's seat, Raven couldn't help but notice the veins in his forearms, prominently displayed beneath his shirt. His every movement seemed purposeful, and she found herself momentarily entranced by the way his muscles tensed and relaxed. The sight sent a shiver of warmth through her, a sensation she tried desperately to ignore.

The drive to the gala was marked by an awkward silence. The plush leather seats and sophisticated ambiance of the car felt stifling as Dominic's focus remained entirely on the road ahead. Raven glanced over at him, hoping for a spark of conversation, but found his gaze impassive and detached.

"Do you always wear that look of forced cheerfulness?" Dominic's voice cut through the silence, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Raven's smile faltered as she looked away, her fingers nervously tracing patterns on the seat. "Just trying to make the best of things."

Dominic's lips curled into a thin, humorless smile. "We all have our roles to play."

His dismissive attitude stung more than she cared to admit. She turned her attention to the window, trying to distract herself from the growing tension. The lights of the city blurred past, a stark contrast to the tension building within the car. The vibrant energy of the gala seemed worlds away.

As they approached the venue, Raven's frustration grew. She struggled with her seatbelt, the long acrylic nails she'd chosen for the event making it nearly impossible to unfasten. She tugged at the buckle in frustration, her efforts proving futile. Dominic, noticing her struggle, leaned over with a barely perceptible sigh. The proximity of his body was palpable, the warmth of his form brushing against hers as he effortlessly released the seatbelt.

"Thank you," Raven murmured, her voice soft with relief. To which Dominic gave a curt nod.

Inside the gala, the room was a swirl of elegance and activity. Soft ambient lighting bathed the space, and the air was filled with the melodic hum of conversations and clinking glasses. Raven greeted Ella with a warm smile and a hug, though her discomfort was evident. The crowd and constant movement only heightened her sense of unease.

Ella, ever perceptive, noticed Raven's discomfort immediately. "Rav, you look like you've had better days. What's going on?"

Raven sighed, sinking into a nearby chair. "Honestly, I'm just feeling really off tonight. Maybe it's the crowd or the stress. I'm exhausted."

Ella plopped down beside her with a dramatic flourish. "Oh, come on, Rav! We're at a gala. There's champagne, fancy hors d'oeuvres, and a room full of people who don't know how to spell your name. What could possibly be wrong?"

Raven chuckled, her smile returning despite her fatigue. "You're right, of course. It's just been one of those days. I feel like I'm running on empty."

Ella reached for a nearby drink, handing it to Raven with a grin. "Here, take this. It's practically a miracle in a glass. I've been told it cures all kinds of ailments—except maybe a bad haircut."

Raven took a sip, savoring the cool liquid as it helped momentarily ease her discomfort. "I think I might need more than a drink tonight. I'm thinking of heading out early."

Ella's eyes widened in mock horror. "What? And miss the grand event? I'll have to tell the world that Raven Harper abandoned her own party. You can't do this to me!"

Raven laughed, the sound more genuine now. "I really don't want to, but I'm feeling so tired and a bit dehydrated. I think it's best if I head out."

Ella nodded sympathetically. "Alright, alright. I'll help you figure out a cab. But only if you promise me that you'll come to brunch with me next week and let me drag you out for some pampering. Deal?"

"Deal," Raven agreed, feeling a bit of relief at the thought of some downtime with her best friend.

Ella made a few calls and tried to book a cab for Raven, but the attempts were unsuccessful. Raven's frustration grew as she realized she had no other options. With Ryan out of town, she had no choice but to call Dominic.

"Dominic," Raven said when he answered, her voice carrying a mix of frustration and relief. "I can't get a cab. Could you come pick me up?"

"Um..Okay," Dominic replied curtly. "I'll be there soon."

When Dominic arrived, Raven slipped into the car, the softness of the leather seat offering a brief respite from her fatigue. As they drove, the car's interior was cool and soothing, but her exhaustion only seemed to deepen. She sank into the seat, her head leaning back as her eyes grew heavy.

Dominic glanced over at her, noticing the pallor of her skin and the way she slumped against the seat. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice carrying an unexpected concern.

Raven managed a tight smile, her voice barely audible. "Yeah, just feeling a little unwell."

A sudden cough escaped her, and Dominic reached for the water bottle he kept in the car. He passed it to her with a quiet gesture. Raven took a few sips, the cool liquid providing momentary relief. She leaned back, feeling the drowsiness overcome her more rapidly. Within moments, she was asleep, her body relaxing completely into the softness of the seat.


Dominic continued to drive, his focus on the road but his mind preoccupied with the sight of Raven's vulnerable state. When they arrived at his apartment, he gently tried to wake her, but she remained deeply asleep. With a resigned sigh, he carefully lifted her into his arms. Her gown shifted slightly with the movement, revealing more of her skin than he intended to see. Dominic's gaze lingered despite his best efforts to look away.

As he carried her through the building, the high slit of her gown revealed more than he was comfortable with, and the sight was impossible to ignore. He carefully adjusted her gown, trying to cover her as much as possible while avoiding touching her directly. His hands brushed against her skin, and the unexpected contact sent a jolt of awareness through him. He did his best to maintain his composure, focusing on getting her to bed.

In the elevator, Dominic shifted slightly to ensure she was secure in his arms. The soft fabric of her gown brushed against his arm, and the warmth of her body against his was both comforting and unnerving. He laid her down on the bed with utmost care, smoothing out the gown and ensuring she was covered appropriately. As he adjusted the covers, he noticed the way her breasts were slightly exposed, the fabric having shifted in the process.

Dominic took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He gently pulled the gown up, ensuring she was properly covered. His fingers brushed against her skin again, and he tried to focus solely on her well-being. The tenderness in his actions was in stark contrast to the tension that had existed between them earlier.

He stood beside the bed for a while, his gaze fixed on her peaceful face. The night's events and his own conflicting emotions created a complex tapestry of feelings. The unexpected moments of tenderness and the unspoken connection between them made him reflect on the evolving nature of their relationship. As he watched over her, Dominic couldn't help but feel a blend of protectiveness and something deeper, a realization of the connection that had begun to form despite their strained interactions.

will try to update the next part ASAP<3

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