cuddle monster

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AUGUST 18th 2024
taylor had been in London for the past few days, after the Vienna incident I could tell she was a bit down, what didn't help was the fact I was still in the US while she was in the UK, yesterday was the first game of the season and we lost, even though the game was very close The lions still managed to beat us by one point, luckily now the game was over I decided I wanted to surprise taylor, especially as she didn't have a show tonight, I texted tree asking to fly me out to London, and she got me on taylor jet to London, it was about 3am when I arrived in London, so I expected taylor to be asleep at the hotel, i got into the car with her security, and got driven to the hotel. once I arrived I was given a keycard to Taylor's room, I take the elevator up to the room and slowly open the door, being careful not to wake Tay up. I walk into the bedroom part and softly smile at the sight in front of me, taylor all curled up in the bed, I change out of my clothes and into some sweatpants, and join her in the bed. I give her a soft kiss on the forehead and let sleep take over.

once morning finally comes, my eyes flutter open being greeted with light. I feel a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist, I look to the side of me to see Travis laying there asleep, "Travis!!" I squeal happily! he groans and slowly opens his eyes, adjusting to the light, "hey baby.." he mumbles. I have so many questions to ask him, especially on why he's here, what time he got here, how his game went. before I can even ask one question he pull me into his body, cuddling up with me more than we already were, I easily relax into his body and ask "when did you even get here!?" he chuckles and kisses my forehead,
"about three this morning." he replies, I gasp and say "Jesus! how are you not jet lagged?" Travis chuckles again and says "like you said during the Super Bowl, jet lag is a choice."

we stay like this for the rest of the day and only get up for the toilet or food. god how I love him.

pls tell me how this turned out!! and I finally had motivation to start the story!! I'm gonna try to update more often as I still have about 2-3 weeks left of holidays!!

448 words

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