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Taylor and Travis kids-
Betty- age 3
Theo- age 5
Archie- age 5

It was a Sunday afternoon, Travis had been out all morning golfing with some friends. Leaving me with our three kids, alone, for the first time ever. It wasn't like he was always around to look after them, I just hadn't been fully alone. Usually we had friends with me or family. But today, it was just me and the kids. The morning had been a nightmare, Betty had already thrown 5 tantrums. Like usual Theo and Archie had made the living room a mess, and guess who had to clean it. You'll never guess who, me!! I was exhausted, all I wanted was travis to arrive home, so I could have a bit of a rest, it was already 2 pm, and Betty was throwing her 6th tantrum of the day. She was complaining she was hungry, when she had eaten thirty minutes ago, guess she has fast metabolism. But I wasn't going to give her a snack as we were having dinner at six and I didn't want her to not eat her dinner. Especially as she has the smallest appetite out of us all, not to mention she's the pickiest eater in the house. Making it impossible at dinner time. Leaving me having to tell her no, which was making it impossible to stop her screams. Luckily for me, the front door had just opened and closed, meaning Travis had arrived. "Betty, if you don't stop screaming I'll call daddy." I say sternly, she doesn't listen, leaving me to one thing. "Daddy!!" I call out to Travis. "Betty! Stop your screaming now and listen to your mother!" He yells back. As he yells back, he walks into the kitchen. "Betty Inez Kelce. Do you want to go on the naughty step?" He sternly says. "No! Daddy! No!" She begs. Travis ignores her begging and picks her up and places her on the naughty step, he walks back into the kitchen and wraps his arms around my waist. "Hey gorgeous" he mumbles into my neck. Softly kissing the soft skin there. "Mama!!" Betty whines loudly. Making me want to go and let her off the naught step, but Travis stops me "don't, baby. Let her scream and whine." He says. I nod and continue what I was doing. Archie runs into the room and says "Betty is off the naughty step!!" Ratting out Betty. Obviously Travis goes and checks to see Betty off the step "Betty Inez Kelce! Get back on the naughty step right now!" He yells upstairs. Turns out Betty had snuck off the naughty step into the kitchen, she hugs onto my leg, begging to not put her back on the step. I nod and keep quiet to Travis. "What do have to say to me, sweetheart?" I question Betty. She pouts and says "I'm sorry mama. Me won't do it again." I nod at her response and pick her up.
"Let's go tell daddy you apologised." I say. We go up to Travis and tell him. After a while Travis takes over look after the kids, allowing me to rest. I go up to our room and put some pyjamas on, and get into bed. Instantly falling asleep.

I allow Taylor to get some rest and look after the kids. I clean up Archie and Theo's mess in the living room and put on a film for them to watch, placing Betty on the sofa. I go into the kitchen and get started on dinner, saving Taylor having to do it. After a while of cooking Theo walks into the kitchen. "Daddy? Can we change the movie? Please!! This one has stupid princesses!" He complains. I nod and say "sure, but don't say the word stupid, Theo." He goes back into the living room, for once the house is actually quiet, apart from the sound of the tv in the living room, but no kids screaming, no toys over the place, Taylor asleep, some peace and quiet. The clock hits six o clock, and I finish up dinner, i serve the food out and call the kids in, going upstairs to wake Taylor up. "Babygirl, time to wake up." I whisper, slightly shaking her shoulder. She lets out a groan as her eyes flutter open. I softly smile and say "dinners read, baby." It takes her a bit of time to collect her surroundings and get out of bed, but she eventually does. We both go downstairs and eat dinner at the table with the kids. As a whole family.
TY tayspoets FOR THE NAMES

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