This fan fiction continues from the serial end of the Marathi Serial "Dil Dosti Duniyadari" This story revolves around the pair Kaivalya and Reshma and their blooming love.
A brief summary of the serial (for those who have not watched) from Wikipedia:
The plot of Dil Dosti Duniyadari serial begins with a newly married Reshma who leaves her home in Akola to settle with her husband Rakesh. When she reaches Mumbai, she is heartbroken when she finds out that Rakesh has a girlfriend and was married to her unwillingly upon receiving threats from his father. Reshma leaves the house and does not know what to do, with her dreams crushed.
Another girl, Meenal( an aspiring artist), discovers Reshma abandoned and befriends her. She introduces Reshma to her flatmates (Kaivalya- Talented musician, Sujay - Our normal IT majdoor, Ashutosh - an novice party organiser, Anna- an average fashion designer) Initially they are reluctant to receive her, but soon bond with her mainly because Reshma is a talented cook. The story showcases the friends in various situations, exploring their emotions to the furthest extent and each one learns something new about life. Reshma changes as her friends teach her to live life full of freedom. Reshma and her friends decide not to tell her family the truth, at least until Reva, her younger sister, is married. Rakesh comes to respect Reshma.
The show concludes when Reshma, Rakesh, Nisha, and the friends reach Akola to attend Reva's marriage. When the marriage is done, Reshma and her friends reveal the truth in front of everyone. Rakesh's father threatens his son to abandon Nisha, but Rakesh, who is also influenced by Reshma's friends, no longer buckles and strongly asserts himself. Reshma tells the truth to her parents, who understand her. Reshma's father asks her to stay with him. The friends become emotional when they come to know that Reshma will not be returning with them, who parts ways with her. Reshma reunites with her friends, saying that she would be starting a new life with them, with her father's permission. The friends become overjoyed and enjoy each other's company. The final scene is when all six friends happily step on the platform of Dadar Station in Mumbai.
Secrets of the Heart: Kaivalya and Reshma Chronicles
FanfictionFanfiction of the Marathi serial "Dil dosti Duniyadari". The story continues from where the serial ends. This fanfiction focuses on the love story between the pair Kaivalya and Reshma