Chapter 30

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I couldn't bear it any longer. My emotions spilled over, and I wrapped my arms around Zane, my face pressed against his chest as tears streamed down my cheeks. My sobs echoed in the quiet room, muffled by the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath me. His strong hand moved soothingly across my back, a comforting gesture that both calmed and stirred something deep within me.

“How… How is this possible?! HOW ARE YOU HERE? You… Your organization… It’s all gone!” My voice broke with the raw confusion and pain that had been eating away at me. I balled my fist and slammed it against his chest, a weak attempt to express the torrent of emotions swirling inside me. He didn’t even flinch, just held me tighter, grounding me in his presence.

I pulled back, just enough to look into his eyes, and what I saw there left me breathless. Gone was the cold, calculating gaze I had grown accustomed to. In its place was something soft, tender, and filled with a warmth that made my heart skip a beat. His smile was gentle, his eyes glowed with a mischievous light that was so familiar, yet so foreign after everything we’d been through.

***Zane's POV - Flashback***

Nadia kicking me out of that hospital room was a wake-up call like no other. The realization hit me hard, like a punch to the gut. What had I done? The girl I had sworn to protect, the one person who had meant everything to me, was now crumbling because of my choices. I had thought I was shielding her from the darkness of my world, but instead, I had become the very thing that was destroying her.

I walked out of the hospital, each step feeling heavier than the last, my mind reeling from the weight of my own actions. I got into my sports car, the leather seat creaking beneath me as I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles white from the pressure. I was heading back to my office, but as I drove, a small park with a shimmering lake caught my eye. Without thinking, I pulled over, the car coming to a halt with a soft screech.

I had never been one to stop and admire the world around me, always too focused on the next deal, the next power play. But in that moment, the peacefulness of the lake called to me. I stepped out of the car, the cool breeze ruffling my hair as I walked toward the water. People around me gave me a wide berth, their whispers and fearful glances a reminder of the reputation I had built. It was strange, this life I had chosen, where even my presence could instill fear.

I found a large rock by the edge of the lake, a perfect spot to sit and reflect. As I gazed at the water, memories of Nadia and I at the beach when we were kids flashed before me. We had been so carefree, wrapped up in a pure and innocent love that seemed untouchable by the world’s harsh realities. But that love had been lost, buried beneath layers of power, greed, and the persona I had crafted for myself.

And yet, meeting Nadia again had stirred something inside me. That feeling of love, something I thought I had forgotten, was there, pulsing with life. But I was on the brink of losing it all, of losing her for good. Unless… unless I made a change. A drastic one.

The decision came to me like a bolt of lightning, clear and undeniable. Without hesitation, I pulled out my phone, the cool metal cold against my palm, and made a single call. It was short, simple, but it would change everything. Sitting there on that rock, with the lake’s gentle waves lapping at the shore, I made the biggest decision of my life.

***End Flashback***

“And then… I called your boss anonymously and revealed the location of my underground base, also mentioned that you had discovered it. I then, framed a serial killer into making him the boss. It worked perfectly, and now here I am.” Zane’s voice brought me back to the present, his tone filled with a mix of pride and relief. He chuckled at the look of utter disbelief on my face, his finger gently lifting my chin to close my gaping mouth.

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