[1] The Pierce Peter

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The Faction-Less

Chapter 1: The Pierce Peter

I'm starting to get annoy by this stupid Spider lady because she talks too much. We all agree to her because we have no choice but to agree, we were just like "yeah, yes, really?, how?, why?, okay"

She talks nonsense topic. I don't know what have gotten to me that I think about the forbidden idea & forbidden action.

It is like a flash, like a lightning struck in just seconds. I was shocked when I'm holding something like a shaft I think? I don't know what is it? There was blood everywhere. A beating heart stops beating. I killed Spider lady by accidentally but I have the intention to do it. What should I do? I don't know what to do, all the people in this bar is not friendly at all. They are giving me this deadly stares, if stares can kill, I'm double dead right now.

I could hear this gasps that represents as Anger like they want to swallow me whole. I did not expect the expected but I expect the unexpected. I expected wrong! They grabbed me and pushed me into the ground and my faction just look at me like I'm nobody,

"I'm the son of the Leader" I shouted but they don't care.

I felt this big hand in my head, and then ripped my head. All I could see is darkness then someone speaks

behind me

"Well well well the Pierce Peter is here" I turned my head so that I can see his face but I could only see is his creepy smile.

"Well, your faction abandoned you Peter, how bad of them" His voice is really sarcastic but he had a point, my faction really abandoned me. Then the Creepy person disappeared and I collapse then fall from the Tower.

"NO!!" I waked up from the horrible dream of mine or shall we call it as Nightmare.

I was thinking too long that I forgot that I have school to attend just because of this horrible nightmare, then something came to my mind.

"No, it can't be" I said to myself thinking of this belief. I tried to checked it from the journal of my father which is the leader of our faction. I turned the page where I can find this belief.

I can't really understand the meaning of what is written in here, it written in here that 'Three Moons will pass,

death will rise, in the other dimension may happen. Three nightmares contains death, in the return of the three days sun it may happen or pain will' I only understand that Three nightmare there will something bad happens.

Stupid journal it is. Why would I believe in it? It is just a belief you know.

I'm worried but still laughing because my dad is stupid that why he wrote it but there is part of me telling that I should be worry about that thing. No time to think, there is a School I have to attend. I hate schools you know!

We all hates School but in here it is not an ordinary school that only teaches Math, they trains us to be a

warrior like Vikings (Don't know if the other factions have Vikings cause I've never seen one but heard the idea

of it)

I have found myself in the Bathroom taking a bath with no clothes on. After I took a bath, get dressed and went outside the castle to get a ride from my dad, speaking of dad where the heck is he? He doesn't matter

anyway, better get going.

"Forgetting someone?" Oh here comes dad "What?" am I forgetting someone? No! "You may go" my

dad is really weird

"Okay" I better don't waste my time talking to this weird guy "Where's Mira?" Oh now I remember that

I have a younger sister, Mira Is part of the Council of the Faction she's smarter than me "She went first" Really

weird! She asked where's Mira then she knows the answer

"Weird" I whisper to myself "But handsome" do you think my dad is cool? NO! I started walking to the Academy, it's Friday and our venue for today is in the Tree house. The academy have schedule what is the day for teaching and for training. Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday is our training and the Monday-Friday-Saturday is

our lesson day! On my way to the teaching place, somebody punched my face and that is the reason why I fainted.

"The Pierce Peter or shall I say The Foul Peter" that is the last thing I have heard.

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