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"Don't forget to ring me as soon as your in the gates!" Mum hugs us and blows her nose with her crinkled tissue. Our parents give us one final wave before they disapear out of sight as we start walking to the bus station. The street is quiet apart from the cars drifting through the roads. I adjust the small sports bag i have hauled over my shoulder and watch as my sister Olivia is really failing at carrying her big backpack, filled with every single damn thing she thought she would need. A single piece of hair from her bun falls in front of her eyes and she squints while trying to blow the strand away with no success. She puffs and takes very small and awkward steps and I cant help but burst of laughing. For a minute her cheeks go bright red but soon she is laughing too and I offer to carry her bag for her instead.

"Geez did you even put anything in this?" Olivia asks while lifting it easily with one hand.

"Well theres a pen, my phone and some oreos?" I laugh guiltily, knowing shes going to flip any moment. Olivia is a very organised person and doesn't like it when I tend to stray from what is right, like bringing books and all that for school. She looks at me, okay more like stares at me like i'v grown two heads.

"Jesus Ellah its our first day! You want to make a good impression! How are you gonna do your work if you dont even have a bloody pen!-"

"Uh I actually have tw-"

"No Ellah! This isnt funny! Im sick and tired of having to treat you like a child! We are going to college next year and theres no way in hell your going to get through this year if you don't prepare yourself. I was up until three in the morning trying to label and colour code all my books and belongings and what do you do? You blast your stupid Chris Brown shit and just forget about the world! We're not kids anymore Ellah! Stop acting like it." She snaps and drops my bag onto the pavement and snatches hers from my hand. She starts walking by herself and I decide to not follow too closely. Thats never happened before. How long did she have all those thoughts running through her head?

We're not kids anymore Ellah! Stop acting like it.


Its been two hours and i'm already exhausted. Olivia and I don't have any classes together but I get the feeling she wouldn't talk to me even if we were. She hasn't sent me any messages or tried to contact me and I haven't seen her since she stormed off into the school gates. I'm now on my way to my third class and I one hundred percent have no clue where I am or where i'm supposed to be in less then two minutes. Lovely. I walk around mindlessly though the halls while the bell rings and all the classroom doors close. I'm looking for the second History room that is in the the main hall, so i'v got bit right. I click my pen every step I take and look up to see a small sign saying "History1" well I should be close now right? Its been at least seven minutes since the bell went and I really hope I get let off for being a new student. I find the room I'v been looking for and quietly open the door, no one notices i'v entered until the door swings back closed and makes a big slamming noise. I curse under my breath and everyone turns and stares at me. I feel my cheeks turn bright red and I kind of just stand there. Clutching my pen until my knuckles turn white.

"Ah you must be Ellah!" A loud cheery voice rips through the classroom. I jump slightly and look to the front of the room with wide eyes as a old man sits at a desk grading papers it looks like. Afew people chuckle quietly at me and I don't blame them, I must look like a total delinquent.

"Ellah i'm Mr Pulser and welcome to my History class. Please, go take a seat next to Zayn. Zayn, raise your hand!" His voice quickens slightly with annoyance while speaking to this Zayn kid and I scan all the faces in the room until seeing one boy with his hand raised in the air limply. I silently walk to the back of the class and up onto the small platform that makes the back desks higher and take the seat next to this guy, who is drop dead gorgeous. His dark hair is held in a tall kind of stance and his skin is a lovely olive colour. Is he from a different country? His jaw line is slim enough to cut diamonds and his lashes are longer than my legs. Okay not longer than my legs but you get what i'm saying. He turns his head and stares right at me. He gives me a flirty smile. Something I wasn't expecting.

"What?" He asks cheekily. Raising one of his eyebrows. I stare into his eyes and feel like shrinking into nothing but a a breath of air. He smells like honey and his clothes are amazing, am I dreaming?

"U-Um nothing. I'm Ellah by the way." I mumble quietly, giving him a small smile showing my teeth. He smiles back and lifts his arms and rests them behind his neck.

"Zayn. But you can call me Za, girly." He winks. My cheeks burn a bit and I hope he doesn't notice. His voice is smooth, but I think I heard an accent?

"Your voice is funny!" I say aloud, as soon as I say it I quickly cover my mouth and scrunch my eyes closed. I.Did.Not.Just.Say.That.

"Yeahs you legit actually did!" Zay- Za. Za laughs at me. But in a friendly way, no judgement or mocking visible.

"I-I ment you have a nice voice, i-it's different. But nice, your not from around here are you?" I question. I rest my hands under my chin and look at him, waiting for an answer.

"Nah ma, i'm part Muslim, I hope that aint a problem for you, Ellah." He says rudely. Obviously he thinks i'm racist. Oh My God will I ever catch a damn break?

"No no no I have no problem with that. I'm very indergrated, everyone is equal I say, a shame so many people beg to differ." I mumble, Za smiles at my reply and I give him a small smile back.

"Hey you should come sit with me and my crew at lunch? You down with that girly?" He asks. I nod my head yes with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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