Chapter four

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"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off."
― Gloria Steinem


I slammed the door shut to my room, the walls around me shaking from the impact. My blood boiled within my veins. Even now, Cael couldn't accept me for who I was. I still wasn't good enough.

The rational part of my brain scolded me, echoing the fact that I hadn't become another person for Cael. Truthfully, I'd done it to better myself so I wouldn't be pushed around anymore. But of course, the hopeless romantic part of me believed that Cael might have had an influence in the changes I've made to myself.

I was such an idiot.

I let out a frustrated cry, chucking a pillow on my bed across the room. It smashed into the wall, exploding from the impact. All the feathers bursted out like a fresh pile of snow, covering the room like it was a winter day.

Huffing, I shut my eyes and took three deep breaths to calm myself. There was no way I would feel bad for myself like I'd done in the past.

I hadn't trained this hard the past three years to feel bad about myself again and I definitely didn't need a man to tell me if I was strong enough to be his mate. I could decide that for myself.

If Cassie wanted so badly to be Luna then she could be her. I was enraged with so much hatred that I could feel my fingers wrapping around Cael's neck, I could see him crying out in pain and going limp in my own hands. I shuddered at my violent thought.

Deep down, I knew I couldn't let him get me so worked up over a simple rejection, he wasn't worth it.

I recollected myself with a few deep breaths, in through my nose and out through my mouth before I sauntered out my room as if I hadn't just accidentally created a snowstorm in my room from the torn pillow.

I could faintly hear Tyler's voice as he gave the Moonstone Pack a tour of our house, and I strolled the opposite way. Away from them and into the kitchen.

There was only one thing I could think of at the moment that could mellow me out so I wouldn't rip out Cael's throat if I saw him again today. Baking.

Within moments I'd already gathered all the necessary ingredients — chocolate chips, flour, butter, eggs, sugar and vanilla extract. I dumped the wet and dry ingredients into a bowl haphazardly, barely paying the mess I was making any mind. Ava strolled in just as I mixed the dry and wet ingredients together.

"Hey, whatcha making?" She chirped, taking a seat on one of the chairs by the counter. I immediately brightened, a smile spreading over my lips. There was a strange vibe that Ava brought that instantly lit up my day.

"Chocolate chip cookies, I figured we'd all need it after the Moonstone's arrival." I explained as I placed the bowl under the mixer, turning it on. The mixer whirred to life, quickly stirring the ingredients together in a little tornado.

"You, are absolutely correct. Ashton and Tyler are still talking with Alpha Cael." Ava swiped a finger over the side of the bowl, licking the raw dough off her finger. She sent me a sympathetic smile. "How are you holding up? You know, with Cael."

Her eyebrows knitted together in concern and all the anger I'd managed to suppress boiled back up.

"He is truly the most despicable person alive. He's arrogant and rude." I tossed the raw dough roughly into the pan, not paying attention to the fact that the chocolate chipped balls were all of different size. "He shouted at me for being here, as if it is any of his business. Besides, he was the one who rejected me so why does he care anyway?" I ranted, my voice raising an octave higher than usual.

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