Chapter eight

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"The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a boy that loves you."

-- Markus Zusak, The Book Thief


I trotted downstairs happily to collect some snacks for Ava and I while we enjoyed our Harry Potter movie marathon. Ashton had also offered to spend the night with me so I could get my mind off of the new pack alliance between NightShade and Moonstone. To me, I had to forget about Cael most of all.

Of course I had to spend some couple time together with Ashton as well since we've been apart during training. I missed him already.

I grabbed an apple from the kitchen table and grabbed two bags of chips, Cheetos and salt and vinegar flavoured chips. To be honest I didn't like any of those options but someone had decided to take the honour and eat my Lays Original.

Probably one of the Moonstone Pack members because everyone in my pack knew not to touch my chips. I spun around to get back to my room but as I spun, I saw a figure standing by the doorway — conveniently blocking my path.


"Move, I'm trying to get to my room," I raised an eyebrow at him, with my face void of emotion as I waved my snacks in his face. He smirked, eyes gleaming with amusement at my food selection. "Do you mind, because I obviously do." I snapped when he still hadn't moved a muscle.

Huffing, I moved to the side in attempt to squeeze past his body. My face barely grazed by his chest as I passed, but his feet shuffled and blocked my path out of the kitchen. Heated sparks crackled between our chests and I suppressed a shiver that wanted to race up my spine. I pushed the feeling away.

I almost groaned. I just wanted to pig out in my bed with Ashton, was that too much to ask for?

Finally, I sighed, gritting my teeth. "What do you want?"

"Why don't you like me? " He asked me. His eyebrows were raised and he was a little too close for comfort. I peered up at his face, my eyes trailing over his sculpted face and jawline.

I really didn't want to answer but if I wanted to go upstairs with my food then providing him with a satisfying answer would be the best choice.

"You rejected me. How could you expect me to accept you or your pack when it's never been reciprocated?" I challenged. "You've never given me one thought you tossed me aside like nothing."

I wanted to sound mad, but I couldn't. It was angering how I just sounded disappointed. As if I hadn't expected anything more of Cael. But I did.

My naive fourteen year old self actually believed Cael would have loved me for who I was. And I was wrong. I fell the first time I laid my eyes on him that day and he didn't catch me.

He gazed at the ground, a reddish tint prominent on his cheeks.

"I broke up with Cassie. I was just wondering if you wanted to start over, as friends for now?" He added the last part quickly. My eyes widened at Cael's suggestion. "I... I know I was a dick. But I have changed, really I have."

My eyes scrutinized him. From his dark hair, combed back messily, a few strands sprawled over his forehead to the light freckles he had splattered over the bridge of his nose that I'd never noticed before.

I was disappointed to say that my brain spoke before my heart could even consider anything.

"You're asking me to give you another chance?" I raised my eyebrows at him, I couldn't help the slight disdain that dripped from my voice. "You don't even deserve it." I added quietly.

My heart ached for him. My heart wanted it, my wolf wanted it with the way it howled at me in my brain, but I couldn't.

My mind wanted Ashton and Ashton needed me. He was the only person who'd been there for me all these years — besides the twins, Ava and Tyler.

"I never asked you to break up with Cassie for me and just so you know, I won't ever be with you." I pushed past him and this time he let me to, his arms slackening in defeat. The bags of chips dangled at my sides as I scrambled up the stairs, as fast as my legs could take me until I finally reached the safety of my own bedroom. The lilac walls and curtains immediately mellowed me out.

I plopped down next to Ashton let out a heavy sigh, placing my head onto his shoulder.

"You'll never believe what I ran into when I went to get your Cheetos." I tossed the orange bag on his lap, which he opened with a loud crack. He raised an eyebrow, expecting me to elaborate. "I ran into Cael and he asked me to give him another chance. How could he even say that to me? After everything he's done." My voice wavered slightly.

I fell back into my pillow as Ashton muffled a laugh. I glanced over at him, his eyes filled with relief at the last part of my statement. I smiled, more to myself than to him, knowing that I wouldn't ever leave him.

"But apparently he broke up with my sister because of me." I crinkled my nose imagining the hissy fit that Cassie would've thrown.

Ashton cleared his throat, laying down next to me. He pulled me closer towards him, wrapping an arm around me. I buried my face into his chest, breathing in his scent. An immediate sense is security warmed my stomach, and I sighed in content.

"So he hurt you and then your sister? He's got game." His chest vibrated against my face as he munched on some more Cheetos. Cael had managed to break my sister and my heart without even flinching.

"Let's just watch the movie, I'm done with Cael." I sat up, pressing play on the movie and Ashton didn't interfere. Still though, he pulled me close to him, and I placed my head on his shoulder, nuzzling myself into his chest. As the movies played out, I couldn't help but realize how much Harry Potter's life resembled mine.

His parents are dead and mine may as well be from how little they cared. They never once treated me like I was their daughter, they were indifferent towards me. Harry's friends and family were all at school and mine were all here at Nightshade, and I loved it here just as Harry loved being at Hogwarts.

At least Cassie still had a mate out there somewhere for her since she'd never met hers when she was fourteen like I did. I on the other hand... Cael deserved to feel remorse for what he did to me.

If Cael wanted me to forgive him, I was going to give him a run for his money. He just wanted a game, and I was sure as hell going to give him one.

"You know I love you right?" I turned and buried my face into Ashton's chest as the movie played out in front of us.

"Of course I do." Ashton threader a hand through my hair, sending a warm wave through my body. "And I love you too."

I propped myself up on my elbows, staring intently at Ashton's face. He watched me with a soft expression, and within a split second, I had leaned in, connecting my lips with his.

He placed a hand around the back of my neck, holding me in place as he moved his lips softly against mine. Warmth emanated between our lips, all the way to my toes. He kissed me so gently, as if I could break at any moment. Truthfully, maybe I could.

Ashton was my rock.


A/N: damn, Lila's hard core am I right? Thanks guys for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share!


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