Chapter - 1 - The Bounty Hunters

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Blue skies. Tall, green trees. The smell of shit. The sounds of the wind rustling the tree leaves. The ground covered in moss and grass. And underneath it, piles and piles of garbage. Garbage as in, paper shreds, decaying food leftovers, broken decayed furniture, and random sticky juices. Actual garbage. And around the moss-covered garbage is a guy, me. This planet is known to the rest of the galaxy as Lotho Minor, The Decaying Planet, The Shitstain in The Galaxy, The Remnant of the Republic's system, etc but what others call shitstain, I call home. Choosing to live here may honestly be one of the smartest decisions I've ever made. I chose to live here because, after the Republic ended and the Empire took over, they stopped the system of throwing trash into this planet. And after 5 years of this planet was abandoned, I figured that, with all that organic material thrown here, so much potential for life, after being abandoned for 5 years, the trash must've grown some life out of it. I was right. Turns out nobody else thought of this either, so when I came here this was just a quiet, green trash land with no one but me. Well there are some monsters on some sides of this planet but it's worth it to deal with that. I'd much rather deal with that than deal with the constant run out there in the galaxy.

Before I'd come here, I was just constantly running, all because of the way I look. I have the most recognizable face in the entire galaxy. Not because I'm a famous person or anything, but because I'm one of the clones of Jango Fett. I fucking hated my life out there. It's making me rethink my decision to leave this planet. I'd decided a couple months ago that life here is getting boring. I grew up as a soldier so the break from the constant war was relaxing at first but, I was born to fight. I can outrun a lot but I can't outrun who I am. I live for the purpose of war. There's no thrill here. Yet I've lived here for the past five years in fear of what's out there. I always told myself that I would regret leaving the planet if I do, but now, life is just starting to feel pointless. I connected with some animals here, I even have a pet, Jace. He's loyal. I hunt some animals for food and I've built a little village here by myself. I had kept the goal of civilizing this place but then I just got tired of it. I don't have any real purpose here. I don't know if I have a purpose out there either because I've been disconnected from the outside world for so long. There might be another Clone Wars going on there for all I know. But my point is that I'm leaving this place.
Past few weeks I'd been trying to get my ship ready. I haven't flew it outside the planet in five years. I fixed some things that I found were wrong with the ship so hopefully it works. I packed up everything I think I would need for wherever I'm going, whatever I'm doing. I have no idea but I got on the ship with Jace and my stuff and closed the entrance. I went to the control system and turned everything on. And I took off. Just like the old days.

As I left the planet, I could see all the planets in the outer rim, Belsmuth, Mandalore, Demetras, and some others I forgot the names of. Where do I go? It's been a long time. I wanna avoid the Empire for a while, so not Coruscant, not Kuat, not Eriadu, not Naboo. Definitely not the Inner Rim, it's all under Imperial rule. And then I got an idea that reminded of somewhere I'd totally forgotten about. The sunken world. I haven't been there since the Jedi mission days. The last time I went there, it was all work and Clone-War-related. This time I'm going to be going under the surface. I looked at my ship and it said low fuel, Makes sense because the past five years, everytime I flew the ship i refilled it with just a tiny bit of fuel that I found in the trash just enough for one more drive. Now I came all the way to the Mid Rim in this old-ass ship. I put on my old clone trooper helmet, but now it's so scratched up and dirtied that it barely looks like a Clone trooper helmet, and with the rest of my old-looking clothes and armor, it looks more like I'm some junkie scavenger who wore some random old helmet to cover my identity. Now, that I think of it, that is exactly what I am. Damn. 

I landed my ship on a port island. 'Welcome To Glee Anselm', it said, with a big tropical font, on a large sign. I love the Mid Rime, it's not full of lowlife's and criminals like in the Outer Rim, and it's not so by-the-book, and constantly watched by the Empire like in the Inner Rim and the Core. Anyways, I opened the doors and I was greeted by some Nautolans. My old colleague, Kit Fisto was a Nautolan. I don't see their species much outside Glee Anselm, so it's hard for me to differentiate them, they all kinda just look like Kit to me. "Are you a visitor or resident?", said the Nautolan. "I'm a visitor, I would like to go to Sector A32", I asked, "Oh sure, but our transport service cost is 200 credits per hour to go to deep sectors like A32". "Yea, that's fine, I got the credits", I said. I'm kinda rich, cus a couple, years before entering Lotho Minor, I looted an old Jedi savings vault that the Republic didn't know about. I know it sounds very not-jedi-like to have credits savings in a vault but, trust me there's a lot about the Jedi people don't know. Everyone was said the Jedi Order was ending but, they don't know how shitty the Jedi Order was, and also there's the fact that 80% of the Jedi's break the rules of their own order. And the ones who get caught disobeying their old-fashioned, pointless rules face a dire of consequences. That's how we ended up with the Empire in the first place. Hard to believe but the Jedi made Darth Vader. 

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