Chapter 3

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I woke the kids up at seven in the morning and got them dressed. Max was wearing blue jeans with a red button up and blue trainers and Mel was wearing a yellow dress with yellow flip flops and a denim jacket. We took the car into town and went to the food store first.

We bought: Lettace, Chicken, beef, chocolate, crisps, chips, Cupcakes, hot dogs, bread, milk, coke, pop and ice cream.

After the food store we got Max his football AND some football boots and Mel got a barbie DVD and a makeup set. I got myself a camera as well.

As soon as we got home Mel and Max helped me set up my YouTube.

"Hey guys my name is Poppy Harmen welcome to my channel. Now I was inspired by my two kids to make a YouTube channel." Mel and Max then sat by me. "Hiiii!" They both yelled.
"I'm Melody"
"I'm Maximus"
"But you can call us Mel and Max" They yelled again, laughing.
I rolled my eyes. "Please press that subscribe button and I will speak to you later!" I giggled and hugged my kids. Then the door bell rang. "I get it!" Mel said and ran downstairs. After about 20 seconds she came back up. "Max! Billy wants to know if you want to go play football outside"
"Can I Mum?" He asked
"Sure but be back for dinner by five! Were ordering a dominos." He nodded and grabbed his new football. My phone then went off, indicating I had a text.

Unknown number: Hi, I'm the dude who was with your kids on Saturday, want to go to the park tomorrow at 12:00?

I smiled and texted back.

Sure, my names Poppy what's yours?

Joe Sugg ;)

I turned off my phone. "Mum can we try some of that makeup we bought?"
I nodded.

I put some Baby pink eyeshadow on her eyelid and blended hot pink on her crease. I then gave her pink blush and some sparkly lipgloss.

After about ten minutes though she rubbed it off.

After a hour Max came home and we ordered the dominos. We just doner meat for me and a cheese pizza for Max and Mel to share with a big bottle of Pepsi. We ate it all together  while watching sponge bob. Once we finished the kids went to bed while I went to my room and checked out my channel. It already had 2000 subscribers then I noticed a comment posted 5 minutes ago with 200 likes and it was by someone called Zoella.

Zoella: How could I not like this?
I clicked on her channel and she had 8 million subs!
I checked out her latest video.

"Hi guys this is just a quick shoutout. This is to a really pretty girl who has just started YouTube her name is Poppy Harmen. She had two kids which are twins and they are absolutely adorable!" I smiled. This girl seemed nice. Before falling asleep I quickly changed my profile picture to me on a beach and I changed my cover picture to me and my kids at christmas.

I have two children (Joe sugg romance)Where stories live. Discover now